"Thanks for the ride" He said to my mum. My mum smiled,

"No problem" She replied and he left to go up to the small rundown house. The small gate squeaked loudly on its hinges as Jack past it to head up to the front door of his house, passing the overgrown garden that made a grab for him as he passed the long weeds. My mum waited for him to get inside before driving off, "I still don't think I know a single thing about him or his family"

"I know he lives with his mum. No dad in sight" I replied. I looked at the rear view mirror to see that man still sitting in the back seat. His dark eyes cast their gaze on me, filling me with a cold feeling. No one else has ever interacted with him which led me to the conclusion that only I see him. I subtly took out a small notepad that I carry around with me now. From my research to try and help my dad, I now know some enochian. I wouldn't say it's good but it's something. I can pick key phrases from sentences to get an idea of the topic. I wrote down, in enochian, one word that I hope came out right,

'Kaleb?' Through the rear view mirror, I saw the man lean forward in his seat. From the corner of my eye, I could see his hand reach out and hold my wrist. His touch was freezing, my breath came out in a mist when he got close to me and I couldn't stop my shivering. He moved my hand with the pen in it to write on the page. This time, it was English,

'Yes' I let out a short breath at that. I was actually seeing him now. As he'd leaned forward, I actually noticed that the dirty stains weren't mud. They were a very dark red,

'Are you dead?' I used English now since I know he can understand it. He shook his head, 'Why do you contact me?' His ice cold grip held my arm again, moving my hand across the page,

'Because you can hear me' My mum pulled up to the bunker and Kaleb sat back again. I put the notepad away, swallowing my fear as we entered. My mum noticed I was tense,

"You alright?" She asked, I nodded, "Did something happen?"

"No" I lied, getting out of the car once she parked. Kaleb got out too and followed me into the library. I took my notepad with me and sat on the table, right opposite Dean so I was at least in sight of someone in case he does something. I put pen to paper and immediately started to scrawl out enochian letters. The figure was not moving my hand so I knew it had to be the other voice. The writing was rushed but it was small this time, taking up a small piece of the page. Again, my enochian isn't that good but I could translate 'Get away' something something 'liar'. I looked up at the figure and slowly backed away, watching it as I headed into the kitchen and found my dad. I slipped him the note, "What does it say?" I whispered as I stared at the doorway. The figure appeared there too and I didn't take my eyes off him,

"Get away from him, he's the liar" My dad replied. The figure's eyes widened, it was the most animation I had seen from his face,

"That idiot" It muttered,

"What was that?" My dad looked up,

"You heard that too?" I asked, finally dragging my eyes away from the figure to my dad who nodded. I tensed up as the figure approached me, flinching as he put his hand over my mouth to silence the gasp I was about to make. He got right up in my face before I blinked and he was gone. My muscles were still tense to the point I couldn't move them. I was tossed to the back of my own mind while my body went on autopilot. When I tried to consciously take control, something fought back. I felt like a passenger in my own body as it walked back into the library and took a seat without me telling it to. I think... I think I'm possessed. I can't actually move. I tried to talk to Dean but my mouth wouldn't move, nor would my voice work. My dad followed me in, finding my sudden silence strange. I tried to tell him, tried to make myself move. No! I need to move! I need to speak!

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