Chapter 1

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As I got home from school, I wanted to go straight to my room to curl up into a ball and die. I hate it there. This was our third move in three years and every year, I'm the new kid that everybody hates,

"Hey Grace" I rushed past my mother, her quick reflexes snagged my arm before I could make a break for it. She pulled me back in front of her, noticing the bruises, "What happened?" She asked. I couldn't lie to her. My mother was a human lie detector. Instead I exercised my right to remain silent, "Did you get into another fight?" My lips were sealed but my mum made quick work of my resolve with her intense stare,

"Some boy" I said. Her stare hardened when I withheld information, "He was trashing you because I don't know who my father was"

"And you hit him?" I paused, "Honey, I got a call from your school, they told me everything"

"Yes I hit him" I admitted, "Can I go to my room now?" My mum finally released my arm and I went straight upstairs. I was fuming now. He told on me? Really? After he caused it. He's probably gonna be sitting there all smug when we inevitably have to go to the principle's office for it. I really can't take that dumb face, I'll punch it again if he does. I slammed my door closed a lot harder than I realised and it was only then that I realised how angry I actually was. I hate that boy, I hate his friends and I hate that school. My stomach boiled at the thought of having to see that boy again in school tomorrow, "Ugh!!" A wave of anger left me in a frustrated growl through gritted teeth. I heard something smash behind me and I turned to see the lamp on my desk hit against the wall. Did I do that? I don't remember throwing it. I must say that my anger had calmed, in fact, I was feeling very tired now. I was drained like I'd just been on a mile run. I sighed, getting down on the ground to pick up the pieces. Though initially in shock at what just happened, I was really too tired to think of a logical explanation. I just chalked it up to a ghost or something. I was super pissed; now I'm just tired. I just want to have a normal life and not have to be moving every year. I had dinner with my mum who was definitely annoyed at me as she had to go into school to apologise for the fight. The next morning there she was, walking into school with me. I wasn't going to give in though. As we sat in the principle's office, I stood behind my mother as she sat on one seat, the boy's mother sat on the other chair and he was giving me the stink eye. And I mean 'eye' singular. He had a massive black eye that was starting to swell and I couldn't help but smirk at my handy work.

"You know why I've brought both of you in" The principle said, "The school does not tolerate such aggressive behaviour and Mrs Graham wants an apology"

"I totally understand" My mother said, turning to the woman, "And I am extremely sorry for my daughter's behaviour..."

"I would like to hear it from her" The woman cut my mother off. She was annoyed and I'd get that. I mean, I just savagely attack her poor, dear son in front of his innocent friends, traumatising them for life,

"Grace" My mother turned to me, giving me a look. I was reluctant until my mother hardened her look. I took a breath, trying to not make it sound like a sigh,

"I'm sorry" I said,

"Good" The principle was about to go on and talk about something else but I cut in first,

"Since we're all here, how about you apologise to my mum for calling her a slut" I looked at him sideways with no smile, keeping a very straight face. He tensed up immediately as both women turned to him. "I- I didn't- I didn't say that" His eyes were wide and not very convincing. I looked directly at the principal with a straight face,

"As I recall, the fight occurred after you berated my mother for having sex with a strange man and calling me a mistake" I turned my head to him again. The boy started to shake as all adults looked to him,

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