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walking past the church, i notice a large crowd around the pillars. my mind works out that it's probably the sign up sheet for council and mayor, a sign up sheet that i guess could have some questionable names on right now.

i walk over to group, thinking about the idea of signing up for council. i know it would be nice to sit in on meetings, getting a say in what goes on in the town. i know that i wouldn't likely be able to be mayor, i don't have the same flare that cassandra had or allie has.

i walk up behind the group, waiting for the group of girls to finish looking at the list in front of them. i step forward as they scatter and i observe the names under the list.

my eyes widen as i notice harry's name under allies and then luke's as well. why would harry put himself down for mayor? especially with the state he's in right now, he's barely capable of getting out of bed.

i shake my head as i think about his choice to go for mayor before i reach for the pen to put my own name down for council. i suppose it would be nice to hear about things before other people and have a say in what goes on.


i lay on my sofa, contemplating the last few days as i stare up at the ceiling. since i'd told harry about my short pregnancy, i'd had nightmares every night about it all. i'm being plagued by guilt and sadness and remorse. i can't get it out of me.

with grizz getting ready to go off on their adventure to find signs of life, i find myself isolating in my house, not knowing where to go. helena's busy with elle, she'd told me that something had happened with her and campbell. and from there, i don't really have anyone else, not anyone that wouldn't be busy.

except possibly harry but since our little stroll the other day, we hadn't spoken.

but that's where i decide to go anyway.

i bite my lip nervously as i walk up harry's drive, walking towards the door that leads into his kitchen. as i open it and shut it behind me, i'm met with a face that i really didn't want to see. campbell fucking eliot.

"camila! how lovely to see you," campbell greets me with a smile and his arms wide.

i roll my eyes and he closes his arms with amusement written in his smirk, "where's harry?"

"i don't know," he says quickly, dismissing the subject to get onto other matters. "you seem awfully twitchy."

i uncross my arms, noticing that i'm shaking, "i'm fine."

he narrows his eyes at me before reaching into his pocket, a knowing smile crossing over his mouth. i watch as he pulls a tiny bag out of his pocket, "i have a treat for you."

he slides the bag over the marble counter, eyeing me as i reach for it, examining the two pills sitting in the bag. i furrow my eyebrows, "what is it?"

he sits back in his seat, the corner of his mouth turned up into a proud smile, "molly."

"why would you just give this to me?" i question him, holding the bag up in confusion. it's incredibly unlikely that campbell would just remorsefully supply someone with drugs.

he nodded his head forward as he stood up out of the bar stool, "i need something from you, we need something from you, in fact."

from, we, i'm guessing that he means harry. i nod at him to carry on, "loyalty," he says loudly, making her jump slightly. "when harry runs for mayor, we're going to need a few people to follow the bandwagon to get it started."

i look down at the pills. they would make me feel good. they would make me forget everything for a few hours. i'd feel fucking brilliant.

"campbell, don't you understand that the majority of the town would be against what you would like to do?" i ask him before shrugging, "don't you think it would be pointless?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2021 ⏰

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