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i look up at the work list, using my finger to guide me over the chart from where my name is. i sigh as i realise my first job is in the kitchen. i can't cook for shit.

i look down at the new committee list as well, i chuckle to myself as i see harry didn't take up cassandra's offer in the end of joining. no suprise there.

i pick up my bag off of the floor walking backing away so i can let other people look at the list. i turn to walk the other way passing becca and sam as they looking at the posters for prom. sam smiles at me which i return, and becca does the same but i give her a smaller smile. i'm not sure where i stand with her after the other day.

it's the same with cassandra. i feel guilty about how i treated her when she was trying to comfort me. i decide to go straight to her house, needing to apologise for my actions.

i knock on the door before biting my nails. a nervous habit of mine. it's opened by gordie, who lets me in.

"is cassandra home?" i ask.

"yeah, she's in her room." he replies, then walks into the kitchen leaving me standing in the hallway.

"thanks, gordie." i mutter, before making my way upstairs to her room, knocking gently on her door.

"come in." i hear her voice on the other side of the door. i open it walking slowly in.

"hey." i say, not knowing whether she's going to kick me out.

"hey, camilla. i figured you'd come by." she says sitting up on her bed.

"yeah, i want to apologise. i was such a bitch the other day, it was totally uncalled for, what i said to you." i say quickly, my words falling all over each other.

she chuckles, "it's fine, i forgive you. i guess it was pregnancy hormones? they made you grumpy."

"i, well, i guess." i say, not completely sure whether that's correct.

"can i ask something?" she says, with an uncertainty about her voice.

"yeah, sure." i reply, a bit uncertain myself.

"who's the dad?" she says with no remorse. uncomfortable, i shift my weight to my other foot. i look up at her as she awaits my answer, her eyes are sympathetic but somehow she still looks eager to know. "wait sorry, cami, that was totally insensitive."

"harry." i reply simply, after seeing she got flustered at the fact she was so desperate to know herself.

she goes pale.

"i know. it's fucked up." i state.

"harry" she repeats after me, her face tells me she was completely taken aback by that answer. "but why? he's harry? why did you go there? hang on, he would have been with kelly then. fucking hell, camilla, he cheated on her with you?"

i nod but shh her as she starts shouting and i'm worried about people hearing what she's saying downstairs.

"cassandra i know but there's a reason we fucked. he blackmailed me." i tell her, she opens her eyes wide.

"that fucking asshole! what did he have on you?" i mentally slap myself on the head.

fuck, i said too much. fuck.

but instead of lying i tell her everything.

new york city

"cami! cami! cami!" they shouted as i downed another shot at the bar. the bartender laughed at me as i begged him to serve me another one.

"not tonight cami, i think you've had enough." he said before going to serve someone else at the other side of the bar. i rolled my eyes.

"fine, i'll find something else then!" i shouted to him, whilst i gave him the middle finger even though he had his back turned to me.

"you said something else, honeybunny." someone whispered in my ear and i turned around to see toby collins holding out an envelope.

i took it off of him, eyeing him carefully, looked inside to see two white pills staring back at me. i looked back at him.

"what are they?" i asked, unaware of which drug they are.

"doesn't matter, they just do what you want them to do. forget, for the night." he smiled then left me standing there at the bar debating what to do in that moment.

i'd been to countless amounts of parties before, being the well celebrated party girl of my friends. but never had i ever taken a drug. it was always alcohol that i relied on for drowning all the sorrows i had about my parents fucked up parenting.

but that night before the party my parents had really pissed me off. more than they ever had before. they had decided that instead of going on the holiday to europe that i had organised for us as a family, they were going to stay so they could go to a gala for the mayor of new york. a man that they generally had dinner with once a week at least. a man that probably didn't give that much of a shit about my parents. but somehow, they liked him more than their own daughter because he was rich and could get them places. to fancy galas. dinners. balls. receptions. weddings.

because they were fucked up parents.

i looked back at the drugs. i know they would be slightly reliable coming from toby collins. he was the local drug dealer for us rich kids, his dad being one of the richest men in new york. toby was able to supply to a substantial amount of teens at parties.

"fuck it." i muttered to myself before swallowing the two pills. an instant buzz went through me as my adrenaline kicked in.

present day

"one day later i woke up in a hospital bed. i overdosed." i say, tears are streaming down both mine and cassandra's faces as i retell my story.

"my parents reputations were ruined and we moved to west ham. they never forgave me." i sigh.

"how did harry find out?"

"he fucking googled me." i laugh, how stupid was i to think that nobody would wonder where the new rich girl came from with a perfect, perfect background.

"he googled you?" cassandra laughs, "why didn't you change your name?"

"i don't know. dumb mistake." i sigh, "as is this." i place my hand on my stomach.

"aw, camilla." she pulls me into a hug and i oblige resting my head on her shoulder.

"are you going to go to prom?" she asks me after a little while of silence.

"probably not." i laugh, "no one to go with."

"come with me and gordie. i'm sure he wouldn't mind! or grizz? he is your best friend!" she shouts at me, obviously desperate for me to come.

i laugh at her excitement, "i don't know. it just kind of sucks that we're pretending like we're not stuck here with more important issues to worry about."

she sighs, "that's the point, it'll distract us."

"fine, i'll come. but only because i still have a dress in my wardrobe." i smirk at her as she pulls me in for another hug.

don't forget to vote! thanks for reading xox

blackmail | the societyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora