Weakened State

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"Wake up sunshine." A small voice said through the darkness. Izuku opened his eyes slowly, his eye lids still heavy as his mind remained fuzzy from the effects of sedation.

He was no longer tied to a chair so that meant either they used him or they moved him themselves. He was now in a small room. His wrist had small metal cuffs wrapped around them that was attached to the wall behind him. He appeared to have something in his mouth still though. It felt like fabric that seemed to tie around his head into a small knot in the back. He grumbled softly at the voice.

"Oh goodie, he's awake again. I just wanted to thank you again for helping break me out Izu-Chan." Toga said giddily.

Break her out? That meant what Midoryia was thinking was correct. Warp had used him again already. How many people had he hurt in order to help free her?

He narrowed his eyes at her, his head throbbing as a headache plagued his brain.

"Oh what's with the face Midoryia? You really should learn some manners when people thank you." Dabi scoffed as he approached the duo, standing next to the crazed blonde.

Warp was in the corner of the room, his eyes fixated on the greenette as the others talked to him.

"You know, it would be a lot more interesting if you three actually had a REAL. conversation." He stated.

"You know what, you're right." Dabi replied taking the gag out of Midoryia's mouth. Midoryia coughed roughly as he took in deep breathes.

"Well, any questions?" He asked the boy. Midoryia growled softly as he looked up at him.

"Why me? Out of all the others, what is it about me that you want?" Midoryia asked, his voice hoarse. He slurred his words as he spoke, no doubt due to the sedation coursing through his veins.

"I'm not sure what it is about you that boss liked but you seemed to be pretty helpful in the operation to rescue Toga." Dabi answered. Then a cruel smile plastered onto his face. "Especially when you managed to knock down All Might."

Izuku's blood ran cold as he listened to the scarred man. Knock down All Might? He did that?

Suddenly memories flashed back to him. It wasn't much, in fact it was only an instant. He saw himself standing over All Might while the hero laid on the ground. His hand reared back before slamming into pro's jaw. But before he made contact he said something.

"I'm sorry."

Midoryia looked at the ground, his eyes scanning back and forth. He had apologized to the hero before punching so that meant he was able to break free but only slightly. Warp's hold definitely got stronger.

"Damn it."

"Hey now, no cussing." Dabi said as he grabbed onto the boy's face, his fingers digging into his cheeks. Midoryia tried to squirm away but Dabi's hold just tightened.

"You should be more grateful. Toga here wanted to get some fun out of you but I've been holding her back. Do you want me to give her the green light?"

"N-No." Midoryia said softly.

"What was that?" Dabi asked, his fingers tightening around the boy's face causing him to yell as the villain's nails cut into his skin.

"No!" Midoryia replied louder. Dabi smiled and released his face.

"Well I don't know. Toga's been kind of fidgety lately and we wouldn't want her going to crazy while out on a mission now would we? Besides, we have to keep you weak for Warp." Dabi smiled. Warp had a neutral expression on his face as the conversation played out. Izuku couldn't tell if he was enjoying it or not.

"P-Please don't." Midoryia tried for protest but Dabi put the gag back in place. He then turned to Toga.

"You got 5 minutes."

She smiled. "That's all I need."

"Alright then. Warp, let's go." Dabi said, Warp nodding his head as he followed him out of the room.

"Alright Izu, lets have some fun."

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