How's Midoryia?

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3rd Person POV

  The door to the dorms swung up, revealing the Kirishima and the others who looked utterly defeated with Aizawa trailing behind them. Their classmates quickly rushed to them, flooding them with questions as soon as they stepped through the door frame.

  "How's Midoryia?" Asui asked, putting a finger to her mouth as she looked to the others for an answer. It got quiet in the room as the rest of the class waited for a response as well. Aizawa turned to Kirishima and the rest of the group that had gone with him. "I'm going back to check on Midoryia. You four should explain to the others." Aizawa looked at the class before turning away and walking through the door, closing it behind him.

  "What's he talking about?" Sero asked, concern painted on his face. Uraraka went to speak but she was barely able to choke out any words before her eyes began to well up with tears. Todoroki went to her side and put his hand around her shoulders, assuring her that it would be okay. Bakugo was even quieter than usual, staring straight ahead of him, not even bothering to look at anyone. Kirishima sighed and stepped forward.

  "All Might was right about the quirk altering Midoryia's brainwaves."

  "What does that mean? Is he okay?" Kaminari tilted his head.

  "Yeah, you guys are scaring us." Jiro chimed in after him.

  "Well... Midoryia physically is fine, just not mentally." Todoroki answered, pulling away from Uraraka. "The quirk seemed to alter certain memories and personality patterns in Midoryia."

  "Wait memories? Does he not know who we are?" Mina was trying to wrap her head around what her classmates were trying to tell them.

  "We don't know exactly what memories are missing yet, but it seems like this was a planned attack by the League specifically targeted at Midoryia. Certain childhood memories have been changed and altered to make him believe that the League is the good guys." Kirishima explained further. Bakugo growled softly when he mentioned the 'childhood memories'.

  "Oh God. Is Midoryia going to become evil like those creeps?!" Mineta screamed, throwing his hands around in the air. Hagakure slapped him across the head for even suggesting such an idea.

  "I don't know... For a second there, I don't think he even recognized us." Uraraka finally spoke out, her voice shaking. She throw her arm up and pointed to Bakugo. "He even forget that he knew Bakugo since they were kids!"

  A small gasp escaped from the class as the information they just received began to sink in.

  "He forgot about Bakugo?"

  Bakugo rolled his eyes and grunted, leaning against the wall.

  "This is bad." Tokoyami stated, the class turning to him. "Midoryia's quirk is one of the strongest in the class. He's managed to take down villains by himself before. If the League does manage to get control over him, there's a chance he won't show mercy towards those who he is fighting. And we all know he's been holding back."

  The room once again fell silent. Mina climbed up onto the table positioned in the common room and clapped her hands together, getting everyone's attention.

  "We can't count Midoryia out that easily guys. I mean, the guy has broken his damn ARMS in order to protect us. Multiple times. It's actually kind of a problem, but that's a conversation for a different time! He's our friend and we should have more faith in him that he will overcome this rather than assuming he'll fail."

  "Yeah you're right! Midoryia has one of the strongest wills of anyone else in the class, he'll pull through for sure!" Iida cheered as well, throwing his arms around in the air like usual.

  "Besides, maybe the quirk's affects are only temporary?" Momo suggested, getting a couple agreeing nods from her classmates.

  "Most importantly, we just need to be there for him to show him that he can count on us." Uraraka wiped away the tears from her eyes. The rest of the night, Class 1-A discussed different plans amongst themselves, preparing themselves for the best or worst possible outcome of the situation they were in.

  Bakugo stood away from the action, positioning himself in the kitchen. He sat down at the kitchen table, his face in his hands as he thought to himself.

  Deku's  going to need a lot more than just positive energy to get through this.

740 Words

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