What Ifs

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"All Might?"

The hero opened his eyes slowly, the bright shine of a flashlight swiping over his eyes.

"He definitely has a concussion." The officer said to his partner next to him. All Might groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head. What had happened?

All Might looked around at the hallway that he was in. The walls were burnt and Aizawa was being treated for a gash in his forehead a couple of feet away from him by a paramedic. That's when the memories of what had just occurred rushed back to him.

"Young Midoryia! Did you guys see him?" All Might asked quickly, turning his attention back to the officer.

The officer looked at him with a confused expression before shaking his head.

"No. We didn't see anyone. We were hoping you guys could tell us what happened." The officer responded. All Might ignored him as he tried to push himself up.

"They couldn't have gotten too far. We need to start searching." He said as he used the wall next to him as support.

"Toshinori, you're in no shape to be looking for anyone right now. The officer's right, you have a concussion. You need to be resting." Aizawa stated as he placed a hand on the hero's shoulder. He had a bandage wrapped around his head over the wound.

"Shota, we need to find him."

"I know...but we already have our first lead."

All Might tilted his head. "And that would be?"

"They're using Midoryia as their personal weapon. That means that they will keep him close to them and that means they don't plan on harming him. Plus,  in order to keep him under control, Warp is going to be around him for the most part as well." Aizawa said. "We just need to find the hide out, then I can erase Warp's quirk and Midoryia will be free."

"You make it sound so easy." All Might replied.

"It's not going to be, but at least we have an idea of what to do."

All Might nodded. Then a thought crossed his mind that made even him shiver.

"What'll happen if we can't break Midoryia free of Warp's control?"

The question hung heavy in the air.

"We will."

"But what if we don't?"

Aizawa paused. "We'll discuss this after you've had time to rest."

He then got the attention of one of the paramedics. All Might was ushered to the ambulance to be checked on. Aizawa remained in his spot.

"Hopefully things won't get that far."

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