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3rd Person POV

"Midoryia snap out of it man!" Kirishima yelled out to him as he held his arms from behind him as Midoryia continued to try to make it towards the door. Lightning crackled through his body as Midoryia turned his head towards Kirishima. It one quick motion, Kirishima was on the floor and Midoryia was zooming towards the door.

Bakugo shot forward, blocking Midoryia's path and putting his arm up towards him. He sent an explosion rippling towards the boy, knocking him over one of the couches.

"Momo, make some rope or something to restrain him!" Iida called out as he joined into the frenzy. Uraraka and Asui went in after him, followed by Tokoyami, Kaminari, and Mina. Hagakure, Shoji, and Ojiro were sent to find help while the rest of the class went to block off the exits.

Midoryia was already back on his feet as he lowered himself into a fighting position. His body was stiff as he watched his friends creep closer. His eyes were emitting such a strong orange glow at this point, his pupils weren't even visible. Not to mention, orange streaks had smothered their way down from his face to his shins.

"Fight it Deku! Take back control!" Uraraka called out to him as they drew in closer. Midoryia growled softly as his eyes widened. He looked like a wild animal. Suddenly, his composure changed.

He began calmer as he stood up straight, his facial expression changing from wild to focus.

He raised his hand towards his friends as he bent one of his fingers.

"Oh shit, everybody down!" Bakugo yelled as he realized what was happening and flattened himself to the floor, taking Uraraka and Kirishima down with him. The group quickly flopped to the ground as Midoryia flicked his finger forward, causing a strong whirlwind to rip through the air above them, shattering the windows behind them.

Asui shot her tongue forward in an attempt to latch onto his arm. As it came close to him, Midoryia snatched the tongue midair and pulled it, causing Asui to be lurched forward. Midoryia's hand grabbed onto her shirt as he tossed her aside, sending her flying over the kitchen counter.

"Tsuyu!" Uraraka exclaimed as she watched her make hard contact with the ground.

"Deku! Don't let this fucking coward hurt your friends! If you really want to be a hero than fight back already!" Bakugo growled at him as he got back to his feet.

Midoryia's head turned towards the blonde. "Oh yeah? And what're you going to do about it Katsuki?" His voice was cold as he spoke. Bakugo gritted his teeth.

"You sick fuck. We know it's you talking Warp. Are you too much of a coward to talk to us face to face? You need a puppet to do your bidding?"

Midoryia's mouth turned up into a smile. "Well well well, looks like we have a genius in the group. And to answer your question, I don't think of Midoryia as my puppet, more You see, I know you wouldn't seriously harm your friend while he's in this state but while he's under my control, he'll have no problem harming you."

"What's your game Warp? Why Midoryia?" Kirishima growled as he stood next to Bakugo. Tokoyami was helping Mina off the floor while Uraraka and rushed to check on Asui, who was unconscious on the kitchen tile.

"Uh have you met this kid? Have you seen the kind of power he possesses? It's not natural!" Midoryia laughed as his voice remained distorted as Warp spoke through him. "And the League wants it to themselves...but of course young Midoryia here would never join willingly."

Midoryia's face suddenly turned serious again. "But playtime's over now I'm afraid."

The wild look returned to Midoryia's eyes as he once again crouched into a ready stance.

"Dark Shadow, restrain him!" Tokoyami called out as his quirk manifesting in front of him. The large shadow creature shot out of him and towards Midoryia, engulfing the boy's body.

Soft green lightning crackled within the black mist as Dark Shadow struggled to keep its form. Suddenly, the creature screeched out in pain as it retracted back into Tokoyami.

Midoryia laughed loudly as he once again became visible. Then, he was nothing more than a blur as he zoomed towards Kaminari, grabbing him by his shirt.

"You know, I should be thanking you. You are the one who helped strength my hold on Izuku after all." Kaminari looked into Midoryia's eyes with fear as Midoryia's fist drew back. "So I'll make this quick."

"Get away from him!" Mina yelled out as she lounged herself into Midoryia's side. Kaminari managed to wiggle free from his grasp as Mina wrestled against Midoryia's strength. It wasn't long before she was also on the ground. Midoryia pressed his foot down on her chest, securing her on the ground as she scratched at his shoes trying to stand.

"So here's what's going to happen." He said as he looked up at the others. "You are going to let Midoryia walk out that door, or pinky here gets squished." He applied more pressured onto Mina's chest as he spoke, causing her to wheeze slightly.

"Warp, don't do this." Uraraka pleaded, tears filling her eyes as she watched the whole thing go down.

Midoryia's head flew backwards into a laugh as he looked at her. "Oh I'm sorry princess. Did you not want me to take your friend? Would that make the princess unhappy?"

He then scowled at her. "Well not everything goes as planned in life. Sometimes, people have to make sacrifices."

He then turned his attention back to the others. "So what's it going to be?"

"Midoryia or her?"

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