14- Confessions

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Katsuki Bakugo

"Oi, Y/n?" I asked, leaning back in my chair. It was our last piano lesson for the year, and I wanted to ask her to....well...to be my, uh...girlfriend. 

I loved Y/n's sweet laugh, her calmness- nothing seemed to faze her, how seriously adorable and gorgeous she was, how she could play piano better than anyone, and much more. 

"Yeah, Katsuki?" She smiled. A lock of h/c hair fell in her face, she brushed it back, her eyes sparkling in the afternoon sun that filtered through the office window.

'God, she's like an angel...'  I thought. 'Stop it, snap out of it...ask her..'  I snapped out of my trance and took a deep breath.

"Y/n, I like you," I rushed out, "I love your sparkling laugh, your serenity and sweetness, you look like a fucking angel , your amazing piano playing, everything...so..uh...w-will you be my girlfriend?"

Y/n temporarily couldn't speak.

"And I know you love me too." My ol' Bakugo smirk came onto my face.

"..." Y/n just couldn't talk she was so stunned.

"W-what? Repeat that?" Y/n asked.

"Will. You. Be. My. Fucking. Girlfriend, Y/n L/n?" I grabbed her hands.

She blushed, and smiled wider than I'd ever seen her smile. "Yes."

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