VII. Death comes knocking

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I frown, closing my eyes, seeing images of Silas, Silas' knocking out Stefan, desiccating me, the burning feeling all over my body. I clench my jaw shut, the feeling of being on fire when i could feel Stefan underwater. "Alina?" I open my eyes, taking a deep breath, "Hey," Elena smiles. "Stefan said you'd be down here."

"You talked to Stefan?" I ask, looking over as she sits next to me on the stone wall.

"Yeah, i woke him up." She smiles, "He, uh, he got his memories back." I nod slowly, taking a deep breath. "I was hoping..."

"That i got mine back to?" I sigh. She nods and i take a deep breath. "I did." I say shakily.

"Why don't you look happy?" She frowns, "That's great news."

"No, it's not. I remember everything, and i-" I take a deep breath, "That means everything came back, and it hurts just as much as it did then. I wasn't even able to go to Bonnie's funeral, Elena. I couldn't remember her and-" Elena wraps her arms around me and i hug her back, softly crying.

"It's not your fault." She tells me. "I know if you were you, you would have been there."

"How was it, the funeral?" I ask, pulling away.

"It was nice." She smiles, "She was there." I give her a confused look and she chuckles, "Somehow, Jeremy's been able to talk to her while she's on the other side, she said she loves you and made us promise not to give up on you." I gave her a small nod, looking back out at the forest.

          "I'm sorry you couldn't bring her back." I frown.

     "We'll find a way, I'm not giving up on her."


            "October 1852."  Damon asks, leaning forward in his chair.

      "You broke my nose trying to teach me how to throw a right hook." Stefan sighed. Damon was testing Stefan, making sure all of his memories did come back.

       "But not on purpose, just to be clear." Damon announces, looking between Elena and I. I hum, nodding, crossing my arms.  "How much did you pay for that hunk of junk motorcycle that you ride?"

   "That's a trick question." Stefan smirks. "You bought me that motorcycle, although I'm guessing it was pretty expensive."

      Damon furrows his brows, looking between us. "So Tessa just gave you two back your memories, no strings attached?"

         "I wouldn't exactly call it a gift." I grumble. Elena looks over to me, a small frown on her face.

      "It's a lot to take in all at once." Stefan nods. "Everything from blowing out candles on my first birthday cake to... drowning in a safe." My jaw clenched, the whole time he was drowning and I was desiccated, I could feel it. "I could feel your pain the whole time." He says looking up at me. I tear my eyes away from him, looking down.
         The sound of glass shattering pulled me out of whatever trance I was in. I look up seeing the glass that was in Stefan's hand was shattered.

       "Whoa... you two okay?" Damon asks, looking between us. I furrow my brow, looking down at me.

     "Why are you looking at me?" I snap.

"I'm just asking, easy there. You two are linked, he feels what you feel, you're both on edge-"

       "Don't blame me for Stefan breaking a glass." I glare.

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