Chapter 4: A World Unlike any Other

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The Next Morning...

Dante: Rise and shine, folks. The sun has risen and so will we.

When the sun rose above the horizon and the rays shined in the gaps between the trees of the woods they had set up camp in, the Hounds of the Chrysanthemum were awakened, one by one, by an exhausted Dante. Dismantling the campsite, the Hounds set off over the barrier that surrounded Vale towards the castle that towered above the city.

Vale's Central Square

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Vale's Central Square...

Security Officer: Attention all Beacon Academy freshmen: The Bullheads will arrive in five minutes! Again, to all Beacon Academy freshmen, Bullheads will arrive in five minutes!

In the city's central square, young adolescents from across the continent crowded the area as they waited for the Bullhead's return, each one armed with some form of a weapon and dressed in their own unique way. In the sea of potential students, the Hounds of the Chrysanthemum, oddly enough, blended in with the others as their eyes wondered in awe of the crowd before them.

Claire: This crowd.... It's...

Zeke: So many people in one place... There's more of them here than there are in the entirety of Pennywort!

Hugo: I doubt that last part Zeke, but you're not wrong about the crowd.

Lulu: It just... doesn't feel right.

Phym: Hmm?

Hugo: How so?

Keith: Yeah, I'm going to have to agree with Lulu on this one. Something's off here.

Lulu: Have you guys noticed that despite everyone here being armed, we're the only one with armlets on our wrists?

Hugo: I don't think that's even a big deal. The man at the nightclub did mention hunters and huntresses, so-.

Keith: Not only that, but everyone here's staring at us, despite our similarities.

Phym: Hello!

Looking back at Phym as she waved her free hand at a few random students, the group noticed their akward expressions as they waved back.

Zeke: Maybe Phym has something to do with it?

She looked back at the Hounds, hearing only Zeke's suggestion.

Phym: I do something?

Patting her head, Dante responded while yawning.

Dante: *yawn* You're doing fine Phym. We were just... wondering what you were doing. That's all.

Seeings the bags under his eyes, Claire asked Dante with worry.

Claire: Are you going to be alright, Dante?

He nodded.

Dante: Yep. I'll just get some shut eye in this "Bullhead", whatever the hell it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 14, 2020 ⏰

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