Chapter 2: Further Exploration

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In the Ashlands, one of the most important aspect to any port is the distribution of tradable goods across an otherwise peril endeavor. With the Aragami roaming the surface and the constant ash storms brewing throughout the land, the major ports of humanity found themselves with a massive problem. Their answer: The Ash Crawler.

*Tank treads whirling*

A land based vehicle roughly the size of a cargo ship that can transport an absurd amount of cargo from port to port via specific routes dictated by Gleipnir.  If a port is the heart of humanity, then the Ash Crawlers associated with them are the lungs keeping it alive, thus they are constantly on the move. These treaded mobile fortresses are equipped with state of the line Anti-Aragami armor plating and Ashblight PPE monitors to ensure that the inhabitants within the ash crawler, be it human or AGE, are free of Ashblight infection. That said, despite the state of the art technology, breaches to the hull are often and, in most cases, dire so they are often guard by the port's AGEs respectively, more often than not, without pay.

 That said, despite the state of the art technology, breaches to the hull are often and, in most cases, dire so they are often guard by the port's AGEs respectively, more often than not, without pay

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With this in mind, we continue our story in port Chrysanthemum's Ash Crawler, an ash crawler of the same name. The Pennywort boys had returned home from a long day's work of exploration. Parking the armored van and putting away their God Arcs. the boys entered the lobby, or the cab, of the ash crawler and were met with a warm welcome by its inhabitants, their other teammates. The first of their teammates, the Hound's head operator, welcomed them back via the crawler's intercoms with a cheery tone.

Amy: Welcome back, boys!

Amy: Welcome back, boys!____________________________________

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[Amy Chrysanthemum]
[Age: 17 years]
[ID#: N/A]
[Authorized Ash Density Level: 0]

[Primary Role: Head Operator of Port Chrysanthemum]

Hugo: Hello, Amy.

Amy: The others are waiting for you in Hilda's office. I'll be there shortly, so please don't eat up all the food.... Dante.

Dante: Wait, what?

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