Beerus VS Salor Galaixa

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A/N: Death Battle has returned.

Mario: I'm so hyped for the next fight. Zuko VS Shoto Todoroki.

Sonic: I can't believe one the episodes of our Death Battle series back in Season 1 is finally an official Death Battle episode.

Mega Man: This is gonna be hyped. Although knowing how Death Battle made cartoon characters win against anime characters Shoto's chances of winning are pretty much low and will most likely downplay him.

Me: This is going to be amazing. I love both characters. They have so much character and are one of my favorite characters in their respective series. Though I like Zuko more, Shoto I believe will win this but I'm pretty sure Zuko will most likely be highballed and Shoto will be downplayed but we'll see what happens.

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