" Yeah, searching for you. Because you thought it would be cool to sneak out of the house at midnight, without telling anyone . Are you a teenager to do this sort of stupid thing ? Couldn't you let someone know of your whereabouts ? Don't you know, before retiring for the night,uncle Kong checks on you and your sisters ? He was freaked out when he found your bed empty and you nowhere in sight. Even your cell was switched off. " 

" That, I — " Mike cut him off

" I don't want to hear your reasons, tell them to uncle Kong. I'm here to bring your ass back home. Uncle Kong is worried out of his wits. Come on…" Mike marched ahead but stopped when he didn't hear Top following him.

Cursing some choice words under his breath, he took out his mobile and texted his uncle and his dad — ' I found him. ' 

Mike really wanted to sleep.  Panicked, trying his hard to focus on the roads while his brain conjured gory possinilities and driving constantly from one end of the city to other, searching for Top since last four hours had definitely taken a toll of him. No matter how much he had talked himself in to giving up he knows he can never forget Top, not when he was always around him — stuck in his heart. But, he will definitely not express his love now or ever... His Por is right —'Him and Top can never happen '

" Come on '' Mike threw the keys of the car,  " You drive, I will sleep in the back. " 

" No." Top remained frozen at his spot "I'm not going back. " 

" Fine. " Mike scoffed, instantly lying down on the sand. " Wake me up when you get to your senses. " Saying that , the tired youngster closed his eyes. Top sat beside him staring at the horizon. He didn't really think his por would still check on him, he hated him,right ? 

He didn't really think his por at all would be worried, or anyone else for the matter. It should be more along the lines of ' good riddance'. Because, he was supposed to be unwanted and now hated . 

But it wasn't the fact and it confused him to no end. 

After an hour, Mike opened his eyes, yawning, he checked the watch and was surprised to see Top still sitting adamantly. His escape tantrums never really lasted this long. Mike knows Top craved attention and love but was also afraid of attachment, even more of betrayals. Top had his ways of responding to affection that were way out of normal person's understanding. 

" P'Top" Mike sat up and nudged Top with his elbow. 

" Huh ? " The older boy turned to him, blinking repeatedly, trying to see clearly through tear pooled eyes. 

" Here " Mike offered his handkerchief " What's the matter ? " 

" I moved out of the house " without telling anyone. Top replied. 

It was Top's way of saying he regrets to have so easily given up on his family. 

Mike let Top speak his heart out , it was rare for this laconic person to want to speak. 

" Por thinks it's my fault. It is the media's fault too. No one understands. The underage driving incident — I was fully at fault,but this one — I didn't know it would blow up this bad and Papa's accident. I really didn't want any of it to happen but no one trusts me — " Top kept repeating the same thing in different choices of words, almost for half an hour. Mike was listening to the rant but his eyes were focused on the words Top carved near his feet ' I am alone. ' 

" You know what is your biggest mistake that you commit repeatedly, P'Top ? " Mike asked. 

Top turned his questioning gaze on his nong. 

Hiraeth : Numinous [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now