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Eyes brimming with tears, Top watched the blurred silhouette of his Por walking away. Since he has stepped foot in the lives of Arthit and Kong it has been the first incident that either of his fathers had ever raised a hand on him. He had broken imported crockery, destroyed expensive things, even thrashed Arthit's newly bought car in a fit of rage but they had never raised a hand on him until now - and for what ? A painting !

Was it his fault to want to give his father something unique that no one can give him? He had enough money to gift something expensive but it would hold no meaning in Kongpob's eyes for he had never valued brands and luxurious items. That's why he had decided to continue the tradition of promoting hidden gems of the Art world in the society, an initiative by his papa Arthit. He had not only managed to attract the eyes of elites and sell the paintings at higher prices than they would normally fetch, he had also managed to collect the highest sum to donate ,in the history of their exhibition. And it was all ruined because of this stupid media.

Instead of being happy and patting his back, his father had slapped him in the middle of the hospital corridor - all because of idiocy of media. Yes, it was the fault of those third grade tabloid news-people who didn't have anything worth doing rather than poking their noses where they didn't belong.

His father was not angry over the fact that he took or even exhibited the portrait. The culprit was the news it created. He was punished for something he not only didn't intend to happen, he never even imagined it. There was nothing wrong with the portrait except the fact that it was made with love by pouring hundreds of hours of hard work. If he could, he would burn down every media house in the city. Useless people ! Useless News ! That's why he didn't watch those stupid news, he only watches stock exchange and weather news .

Top took out his phone and browsed for the latest entertainment news, his anger towards the reporters already simmering under the surface.

" Arthit Rojanapat - The generous benefactor or an Opportunist ? " The lady stressed the word opportunist more than needed.

" Yes...this is the question people are asking after the superstar had admitted that the alleged portrait was exhibited in his knowledge and by his permission. While it had shut the rumors of extra marital affair, it has sparked a new debate on ethical behaviour.

It is well known that Arthit Rojanapat is not only a philanthropist but also an Art enthusiast and one of the benefactors of several old age homes and orphanages, promoting adoption of children and old people alike.

While he had been praised for his giving attitude and outstanding initiatives,the recent event had drawn him under huge fire . People are claiming that all the donations and charity events have only been cheap publicity tactics, same as the recent one. " The lady was babbling more and more nonsense but Top's patience had thinned out. After scrolling through tons of self proclaimed news channels, Top found the clip of his Papa's press conference.

His heart clenched seeing red rimmed eyes of his father, he had never seen Arthit looking lost like he was now. His papa Arthit had always been a brilliant performer, great prankster and super confident individual who had achieved it all. He had been the star Top envied and had ground himself hard to shine like Arthit Rojanapat. Because no matter how much he would convince himself otherwise, his heart knew Arthit deserved all the love, name and fame he had been given for he returns everything tenfold.

" Sawadee Khrap. I am here to talk about the recent issue that you must already know of. First of all I would like to apologize to everyone for disappointing you. Also to all the artists that participated in the exhibition, I want to say I am really sorry for my negligence and took away the focus from the main heroes of the show - that was you.

Hiraeth : Numinous [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now