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The ever strong, ever smiling superstar — his subject of envy,laid lifeless except for gentle rise and fall of his chest. His Por was sitting in a corner on the lone chair, provided by hospital, his eyes fixed on Arthit. If Arthit looked lifeless, Kong was a walking dead, his deep eyes had sunken in, shine is his eyes faded in mere 48 hours. 

" Wake up Arthit " he could hear his por suddenly call out, voice unbelievably hoarse. Sometimes he would just call out " Oon " in a voice so pitiful that even tugged the heartstrings of stone-hearts like him. 

On Fourth night, he found Arthit woken up, smiling at Kongpob who held Arthit's hand, mindful of the IVs. 

" I am not going to die right ? " Arthit asked, an old glint of mischief was definitely visible in his eyes because Kong instantly shot back . 

" By my hand ? You will definitely. The moment you get on your feet, I am gonna strangle you ? " 

" Can't wait for that . " Arthit replied, probably winking.

" You…." Kong scrambled for the words " you just wait …" 

" But, I can't." Arthit teased. Top bit back a chuckle, his papa always had a way with his por. He knows how to strike him speechless. 

Fourth day wasn't much eventful, but he had realised that after leaving the orphanage , he never needed to pick up a mop. Three hours of cleaning and simultaneous snooping had his back screaming in pain. Yet, he was here again, to watch his papa bickering with Por who refused to let the nurse feed his husband, adamant on doing the job himself while his papa unabashedly flirted with the middle aged nurse, successfully riling up Kong. 

Kong's anger didn't last though, as soon as Arthit flashed a smile at scowling Kong, later's anger mellowed down. " That was a demo on how not to flirt " Arthit clarified. 

Kong raised a brow " Is that so ? The lady didn't seem to think along the same line. " 

Arthit shrugged, as much as he could manage with his battered body " She is not my Kong who calls sex — a rigorous activity. " 

Kong huffed " Don't remind me." 

Arthit chuckled in reply " I will never let you forget anything about me." 

While it pained him to see Arthit bedridden, in pain,but his smile was really soothing. Love between his por and papa is what gives him hope, pulls him here everyday. He had everyday returned to the hospital without disguise— as himself, but it only got him accusing stares and open rejections from both Kong and Sook. 

" I am sorry Por . " He had apologized to which he got " Good for you " as a response. 

He wondered if it was the same case with his papa Arthit. Did he hate him too ? Does he , too, thinks Top had done all of this ? Yes, it had been initiated due to his mistake but he never meant it to happen, to have his por and papa go through agony and pain. 

He had been cleaning in Arthit's ward when Arthit spoke up . " Kong…Top didn't come ? " 

" He is busy." Kong replied averting his eyes towards the door, his voice clipped " he had several important meetings lined up in one day. I have asked him to look after Mili, so his nights are packed too. " 

Arthit was observing Kong, refusing to meet his gaze. " I see. " He drawled " Look at me and tell me the same thing. Is he so busy that he didn't have time to visit his father ? " 

Kong glared at Arthit " You almost died because of him. " 

" Nope, it was the divider car collided with. " Arthit replied calmly , it only fuelled Kong's anger. 

Hiraeth : Numinous [COMPLETE]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora