The portrait that was exhibited is drawn by a person very dear to me, while I would like to keep his name anonymous , I would like to clarify,they are not Khun Shekharan.

In my negligence and my love for the portrait, I foolishly included it to be exhibited , at that time I only thought about the artist doing a commendable job and didn't think about the circumstances.

I accept that this exhibition was not the right place for the portrait. In my foolish ignorance, I have hurt feelings of many people, my fans, the artists in exhibition and even people working with me. I would like to request all of you to accept my sincerest apologies with a promise that I will work hard to never ever repeat this mistake consciously. "

After Arthit's official statement, reporters started grilling Arthit on questions related and unrelated to the issue.

" Khun Rojanapat, why aren't you revealing the name of the artist ? "

" Was this an effort to promote your upcoming movie Scandals 2 ? "

" How do you see your relationship with the director of the movie and one of your closest friends ' Shekharan ?

" We have heard that your partner Khun Kongpob- "

" Husband " Arthit corrected, visibly angry at the reporter.

" We have heard that your husband is not happy with your friendship with Shekharan."

These and many such relevant and irrelevant questions were brought to which Arthit calmly replied, a polite smile forever slapped on his lips.

While it may look like Arthit was calm, Top knew better. The little to no eye contact, extra smooth voice and fake smile - all indicated the turbulence churning inside Arthit. Weakness , as Arthit called it.

He has never seen his por angry, his papa has never been seen weak - it all happened because of a painting.

He will bring it back.


Kong had driven to Arthit's office only to be informed that his husband had already left the place with his manager, for some press conference.

Even after driving to the venue where the press meet was held, Kong got the same answer. Arthit with his manager, had already left for home.

Kong jumped back in the driver's seat, taking a u turn towards home, simultaneously calling Arthit repeatedly.

" Pick up...Pick up Oon." Kong mumbled, his heart beating in his throat as the minutes passed without getting in contact with Arthit.


After the conclusion of the press meet, Arthit dragged his feet to his car. Stumbling in the back seat.

" Sorry Kong. " He murmured, tears that were frozen behind his eyes until now fell freely.

Sorry for not being strong enough.

Arthit took out a piccolo that he had earlier hid in the inner pocket of his suit. Bringing the bottle to his lips, he tried to forget the cruel words of reporters that will be forever branded in his memory. The little bottle wasn't enough but coupled with Bacardi 171 he had downed prior to the press meet, it served its purpose. Him being able to think straight after downing half a bottle of Bacardi was a miracle in itself. Seems like his body hadn't forgotten the taste of alcohol. How would it ? There was a time when alcohol used to run through his vein instead of blood.

Hiraeth : Numinous [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now