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Tord's POV

I slowly opened my eyes to a bright and pale room. I looked around to see no one. I sat up and waited, they wouldn't leave me... Right?

As I started to ponder the door opened showing the blue hoodie man. He gasped softly then went over to me and hugged me tight. I looked at him as he started mumbling apologies.

I go to speak but only cough. He looked at me and held my cheek. "It's okay Tord.. Don't try to speak" He said softly. I noded then looked up at him. His eyes were red and had bags under them. I reach up to touch them but retract from pain.

"Yea.. Be careful Tord... Your still healing.." He spoke as he rubbed my arm. I sighed then layed back down as Tom sat next to me. I looked up at the roof and started to space off..

Hiiiiiiiii my motivation went haywire again... Sorry for the short chapter folks.

Bye bye uwu

《I'm So Sorry!》TomTordWhere stories live. Discover now