𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕠𝕟𝕖 𝕙𝕦𝕟𝕕𝕣𝕖𝕕 𝕒𝕟𝕕 𝕖𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕥

Start from the beginning

But why dwell on the fact that not everything in life is all sunshine in rainbows, when you yourself could be the sunshine in rainbows in other peoples' lives?

Why focus on all the negative possibilities that have a small percentage of coming true, when you could instead focus on the optimistic certainties that life awaits?

Why should Yoongi and Hoseok focus on the fact that in a year and a half, their relationship would be broken apart by a simple distance in between their college campuses? Or the fact that their two best friends, Namjoon and Seokjin, would be leaving them behind as they were forced to trudge through another nerve-racking year of high school before joining them in adulthood.

Why should they focus on any of that, when they could be focusing on when their next date was?

Or the next time they'll laugh at one of Seokjin's corny yet still hilarious jokes while all sitting around the café during their work shift?

Or the next time they'll become lost in one of Namjoon's wholesome yet mind-puzzling rambles about the questions of the universe?

Or the next time Yoongi will score a basket in a basketball game?

Or the next time Hoseok will brighten up someone's day to the extreme extent of turning their once tears of sadness, to tears of joy?

Or the next time Jimin will infatuate everyone with his charming personality or his passion for dance?

Or the next time Taehyung will blow everyone away with his talented photography skills?

Or the next time Jungkook will impress someone with his passion for videography?

Or the next time Chaeyoung will make a total and complete stranger smile from a heartfelt compliment?

There were so many 'next times' to focus on, to dream about, to think about, so why not turn those 'next times' into 'at this moment', while they could? While they were still young in their prime, and united all together as a group before parting their separate ways and exploring their own paths with their journeys of self discovery.

Why wait until next Saturday to cuddle up on the couch, when they could easily do it tomorrow? The next hour? The next minute?

Why wait until the next day at school during lunch to listen to one of Seokjin's mature words of advice as they bugged him with questions regarding college and fears relating to growing up?

They didn't have to wait for any of that, there was no time limit to anything, or anyone, not any time restriction to do anything.

If you could tell someone you love them right now, then why wait until next month to do it?

And that's when Hoseok woke up with a startle, not really knowing exactly sure as to why he had this sudden urge to do so.

But next thing he knew, his hands made a desperate grab for his phone on the beside table, eagerly scrolling through his contact list as if his life depended on it before landing on a certain someone's contact.

And before he knew it, he was already typing a text as if it wasn't nearly 2:00am in the morning on a Saturday and as if he didn't just wake up with this random calling to do so.

But it was more than a simple calling— but almost as if a gravitational pull yanking him forward out of his dreamland and into a reality where he and Yoongi were in a loving relationship with a time limit.

Because all good things come to an end.

But for them, Hoseok wouldn't let it.

Which is partially why he told Yoongi those three words before he lost the chance to ever do it again.






what is it?

is smth wrong??

no i just wanted to say that

im grateful for u

and ur amazing

and the best thing thats happened to me

ew this sounded cringey but I had a calling to say it so😁

this isnt trying time bribe me into smth is it?

bitch no

im being serious



awww (;'༎ຶٹ༎ຶ')

im grateful for u too hoseok <33


goodnight :]

goodnight ily lol.



maybe I should change ur contact name back

A bright smile etched its way onto Hoseok's sleepy features, his eyes threatening to fall shut by the second as time passed by. Eventually, he slid his phone back onto his nightstand before turning around to the other side of his room where the moonlight slyly poked through his light blue curtains, casting a light blue streak of light onto his bedroom floor.

Giving into his body's temptations, Hoseok closed his eyes shut and drifted off into another dreamland; one without the worries of college or separation from his two best friends. One where there was that small possibility of him and Yoongi, or maybe a few others from is friend group, attended the same one and wouldn't have to be forced to be drawn apart from one another.

It was scary to think about, since the future held so many things that one wasn't aware of. No one knew what the upcoming year and a half had in store for them, and the endless list of frightening possibilities wracked up his nerves the more he dwelled on it.

But once again, as Hoseok's eyes fluttered shut and colorful fantasies replaced his simple bedroom and simple life, all those worries washed away into an unknown oblivion.


🍼thank you for reading!! 😚💖💖
🍓editor/assistant: yu_ju_you

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