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•𝔸𝕝𝕪𝕤𝕤𝕒𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍•

"Josh I swear to god if you throw one more handful of flour at me i will smack you!" I say while laughing and pointing at the handful of flour he's holding. "Oo kinky." He says smirking and throws the handful at me. "Oh it's on." I say before taking the bag and dumping it over his head.

You may be wondering why we're throwing flour at each other, as soon as we got back to my house and Josh got settled and stuff we decided to make cookies because you know, cookies are amazing and delicious. But then Josh decided to throw flour at me. And now we're having a war and making a giant mess that'll be a pain to clean up later.

Josh shakes his head around, making all the flour in his hair go everywhere. "You're like a fucken dog Josh stop!" I yell as I cover my face with my arms and start dying of laughter.

I grab the bag of chocolate chips and accidentally rip open the bag and half of them go everywhere. "FUCKEN HELL!" I yell. I go over to the bowl and put in the chocolate chips that didn't fall on the ground. Josh sneaks up behind me and takes a chocolate chip out of the dough. I turn around and smack his shoulder. "Oi stop snatching my choccy chips." I say trying to keep a straight face. But, I failed miserably and started laughing along with Josh. I haven't laughed this much in a while, and it was the best feeling to be this happy again.

Once we finish making dough for the cookies we put it in the fridge so we can bake it later. I tell Josh that he can go shower while I clean up but he declines the offer and insists that he helps.

I plug my phone into my speaker that I brought downstairs from my room and start blasting my music. Me and Josh dance and goof around while cleaning up, making the process take so much longer but at this point, who cares?

I was cleaning up the dishes while Josh was sweeping and cleaning the floor. My sink was the kind where you can take off the front part and it makes the water like a shower head would. (I am so sorry if that made no sense i'll put a picture of what i'm talking about at the top)

I take off the front part and start squirting it at Josh's back since he wasn't facing me. He jumps as the water makes contact with his shirt. He turns around and looks all offended, He grabs the faucet out of my hands and starts spraying me. I yelp and crouch down a bit. I put my arms over my face. I giggle at his actions. He stops and puts back the faucet. "paybacks a bitch huh?" he says while laughing. "Josh I hate you sometimes." I say while standing back up, my clothes and hair soaked. "well now at least you don't have to shower?" "Josh, you idiot." I say while facepalming.

We finish cleaning and I turn off the music. "Who's gonna shower first?" Josh asks. "You should because i already got soaked by you!" I semi yell. He laughs at my comment and walks upstairs to get clothes and stuff.

I walk over to the kitchen counter to get my phone but accidentally pick up Josh's phone instead of mine. I checked the lock screen to see that it's a photo that me and him took the day I got out of the hospital. I smile then see that he has a message from Eddie.

eddievr 🇲🇽
go get your girl dawg tell me and the guys how it goes

I smirk then open up the entire conversation . It was basically Josh admitting that he had feelings for me. I mean, same.


Do I?


I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, I don't like him, fuck I like the son of a bitch.

I blush and go back to reading the conversation until I hear footsteps coming down the stairs. I quickly turn off his phone and put it back down. I grab mine and open it, trying to make it seem like I've been on it the entire time.

Josh walks into the kitchen and leans against the door frame. "Hey have you seen my phone?" He asks. I pick it up and give it to him. "You got a message from Eddie by the way." I say while handing him his phone. "Alright thanks." He says and walks back up the stairs. "DON'T TAKE 27 YEARS IN THE SHOWER AIGHT?" I yell up to him. "NO PROMISES." He yells back. I giggle at his response and go up into my room to change clothes since I'm still soaked.

I walk up the stairs and make my way into my room. On the way there I stop and see my dad's bedroom door is open. I sigh and close it.

I walk into my room and change into a pair of sweatpants and a baggy tee shirt. I throw my hair into a messy bun and pull out a couple strands of hair, to make it look like I'm somewhat trying to look nice.

I grab a blanket from my bed and Wrap it around myself. I walk back downstairs and plop on the couch. I wince in pain since I still have a couple cuts and bruises on my stomach and sides from, yeah you know from when. I grab the remote and put on some Netflix while waiting for Josh to be done in the shower.

I can't stop
thinking about Josh and this feeling. The feeling of loving someone in a friend way and being in love is completely different. I just don't know the difference. I forgot how it felt after the age of 12. Which was almost 7 years ago since I'm turning 19 soon. In a couple days to be exact.

Anyways, I debated on texting my wingman about this... Gaege. Yes I know i'm a girl so it doesn't really count but he told me if I need help with Josh then to text him. But I decided against it.

I need to do this by myself. I know what i'm doing, I think. Plus, he probably already knows that Josh likes me.

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