Chapter 5

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About an hour later, Argus pulled up outside a bus station without another word, allowing the three Legacies to get out with their few things and head inside to buy bus tickets.
“So...plan of action.” Dakota asked, looking towards Avery.
“Well, we all know we can’t fly. Zeus isn't having that with us being legacie of Hades so we cant get to Alaska that way. Best bet would be to take a bus to Washington and hop a boat across.”
“Why Alaska?” Vivi asked curiously.
“To the place where the child of the dead was slain.” Dakota quoted. “That's where our Auntie Hazel died back in the 1900’s, so it the best place to start, based off that line in the prophecy.”
“Yeah. Who knows, we might even get to see our cousins while we’re there. Even for a little while.” Avery said with a fond smile.
“I never thought of that! I’d love to see Layla and Michael again. And Auntie Hazel and Uncle Frank.” Dakota said with a smile. “Let get this over with. “

The three walked into the bus station and purchased three bus tickets headed for Washington state. They boarded the bus about an hour later, taking seats near each other. Dakota sat with Vivi and Avery sat across the aisle from the two with his headphones in and his notebook out, ignoring everyone. The bus wasn’t that busy at all, since it seemed that almost no one needed to get from New York to Washington or to anywhere along the way.
They relaxed as much as legacies on a quest could relax, knowing that a monster could attack at any moment and that they would have to be able to fight at a moment's notice.

As the three legacies rode the greyhound towards Washington, already having transferred to their second bus without issue, something suddenly slammed into the back of the bus, causing the whole thing to jolt forward and the tires to spin out as the bus lost traction. The driver of the bus intended to pull over, as is protocol based on whatever just happened, but the bus jolted forward again and the three shared a knowing look-monster. They rushed forward towards the front of the bus, shouting at the driver to open the doors
As soon as the bus was slow enough, the three jumped from the doors and shouted at the drivertokeep going without looking back as they turned to face whatever had attempted to attack the bus. Cyclops at least 10 feet tall with a huge sword in hand. Drawing their weapons, Dakota knocked an arrow, hitting the beast in one of the arms.
While it was slightly distracted, Avery drew his sword and charged towards the cyclops, leaving a gash on its leg before falling backto avoid getting too hurt. Everyone moved back as the cyclops sliced where they had just been, scatering in several directions in an attempt to use the fact that it was outnumered to their advantage.
Dakota knocked an arrow, attempting to aim for it’s eye only for it to move a it tried to attack Victoria, the arrow instead flying by its head into the distance. Victoria pulled out a celestial bronze dagger from somewhere inside of the tool belt around her waist and barely had time to deflect the blow from the cyclops on the smaller weapon, which caused her to stumble back several feet as the cyslops tried to get her while she was down.
“Hey, ugly!” Avery shouted, throwing a rock at the back of the beast's head, which drew its attention away from the legacy of Hephaestus long enough for her to regain her footing. Avery defected a slice from the cyclops off of his own blade before slicing forward, aiming towards the gut.
Dakota knocked another arrow, managing toland this one in its eye, which caused it to curse in pain and instictively clutch the new wound that rendered it blind. A few quick slices later and the beast disaolved into golden  dust, raining down on all of them.
“We’re not even close to Washington…” Dakota said, looking at the highway sign not too far away.
“I don’t even think we were close to the transfer station.” Avery sighed, returning his sword to bracelet form as Dakota did the same with her bow and necklace form.
“Time to hitchhike then?” Vivi suggested hesitantly.
“No other option.”
The three sighed, and started to walk in the directions the bus had went. Since Vivi was the oldest and looked almost 16, she decided on the cover story for whomever picked them up.

“What are you three doing walking along the side of the highway like this?” a kind lady asked as she pulled up next to the three, ushering them to get in.
“These are my younger siblings.” Victoria explained. “I was driving us home when my car broke down a while back. We’re just trying to get into the nearest town.”

A about an hour later, the lady pulled up off an exit and into a gas station parking lot, asking the three of they needed any help getting home.
“we’re alright ma’am.” Vivi kindly thanked her. “We’re not too far off home. We really appreciate the ride.” After a couple. More reassurances that they would be ok, the lady bid them farewell and drove off.

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