Chapter 2

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The last two months of school went by in a flash for the di Angelo-Solace twins, bickering like always and fighting more than once. They rarely got along which was why their parents already had plans to separate them into the Apollo and Hades cabins when they got to camp, in order to prevent a possible argument or fight in the middle of the night. No summer school or bad grades and hopefully that would prevent them from going to camp. Excitement grew amongst the two, already in the midst of an argument about what camp would really be like as they sat at the breakfast table Saturday morning just after school got out. Will had just finished cooking breakfast for the twins and was finishing up the rest so he and Nico could eat once the other was awake.

"I'm going to tell you this: you're both wrong." The twins looked up when they heard Nico speak, seeing he had just come downstairs. "Camp isn't anything like that."

"Ah, come on Papa. It must be." Dakota protested before shoving another bite of food into her mouth.

"Nope, not at all." As Nico walked over, Will turned with a smile and handed him a plate of eggs, bacon, and toast. As he sat down at the table, Nico paused to give his kids a kiss on top of the head, causing Avery to cringe slightly but he said nothing.

"Three days." Will said as he set a mug in front of Nico before grabbing his own plate and sitting down.

"What?" Avery glanced up, pushing his black hair from his blue eyes with a soft sigh.

"In three days, we leave for camp. You'll get to see the wonderfulness of it in three days."

True to their word, the twins left for camp in three days. They packed their clothes and everything they would need into their backpacks, ensuring they missed nothing important. It was exciting for them, to say the least.

"Final check." Will said as they prepared to pack into the car for the long drive to camp. "Clothes?" The twins gestured to their bags. "Anything you want to take with?" They both showed their iPods and a few other personal items they had. "Weapons?" Dakota reached up and pulled her necklace from inside her shirt, showing off the bow and arrow charm that hung from the silver and gold chain. Avery flashed his wrist, which showed off a small bracelet he had with a sword shaped charm that ran along the back of his wrist.

"Good. Let's go." Nico said with a soft smile as he shouldered his bag and headed out to the car.

A six-hour drive later, with a struggle to keep the twins from fighting or being too obnoxious each other, they pulled up outside of camp. Dakota pulled out her headphones and nudged her brother, causing him to wake up as he'd fallen asleep at some point during the ride.

" empty hill." Dakota said, looking out the window in confusion. "Are you sure we're in the right place?" She glanced back at her parents, who chuckled a bit.

"Yes, we're sure. You'll see it when you get to the top, just past the giant pine tree." Will said as he got from the car.

"Race you!" Dakota said to Avery, grabbing her bag as she bolted from the car and up the hill.

"No." Avery rolled his eyes at his sister before getting out as well and slowly walking up the hill, fidgeting with the strings of his bracelet as he walked.

"Woah..." Avery said, looking down from the top of the hill in awe as he came to a stop next to his sister.

"Holy shit." Dakota muttered.

"Language." Will said, but he couldn't help but laugh a little. It reminded him of how he'd reacted upon setting foot through the boarder for the first time. "Good to be home."

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