Chapter 6

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“Run!” Dakota shouted, rushing back in the direction of where Avery and Vivi were waiting. “Empousai  and a Hydra. Fucking run.” Without any form of protest, the group ran in the opposite direction of the monsters chasing them, hoping to lose the monsters but luck didn’t seem to be on their side as another set of Empousai appeared in front of them almost suddenly as they all drew their weapons, preparing to fight.
It was an unfair fight, to say the least. A three headed, acid spitting hydra and around six Empousai disguised as human, to the mortals at least.
“Well, what are you three doing all alone out here?” One of the Empousai cooed, pouring the charm speak into her words. “Its a dangerous world for three demigodsas young as you.”
‘Oh, fuck off!” Dakota growled, transforming her necklace into bow form and lodging an arrow into the monsters chest before she could even react, turning her to dust. The others hissed and started to attack, pouring their charm speak into every taunt and word as they tried to get the three legacies disoriented enough to kill.
The Hydra started to attack on top of it all, shooting acid out of one of its various mouths and trying to eat one of the three with the others.
“Avery,you cut the head off.” Dakota said, stabbing her arrow into the chest of the last Empousai as she got to close.
“But we have to-”
“Burn the stump, I know.” Dakota held out an arrow towards Vivi, who happily obliged by lighting tip of the arrow on fire.  “Just cut it!” As one of the heads swooped down in an attempt to grab Avery, he swung his sword, lobbing the head clean off as Dakota released her flaming arrow right into the spot where two heads were attempting to form, stopping it from continuing. A few struggling minutes later, the hydra burst into golden dust, leaving the three panting as they put their weapons away and tried to catch their breaths.
“So far, we’re not finding anything in Alaska.” Vivi grumbled as the three left the scene of their most recent fight. “Nothing but monster fights. That’s the sixth one in three days.”
“Nothing.” Dakota agreed. “Maybe...Maybe Alaska wasn’t what we needed after all. I mean, it is outside of the Gods’ domain.”
“There’s nothing here...where else would it be? Aunt Hazel died here and we checked the exact spot she died and there was nothing...i...i don’t know...” Avery sighed to himself. “Lets...get to Uncle Frank’s and Aunt Hazel’s. They’re not too far across the border and...and we need a proper place to rest and...and real meal.”
Several hours later, as it neared night fall, the three found themselves on Frank and Hazels door step, weary, hungry, and tired. Knocking on the door, they simply hoped everyone was still awake. Their iPods had died several days ago and they had no way of knowing exactly what time it was.
“I got it, Mom!” a voice called from within and the door swung open, revealing a short black haired girl about two or three years older than the twins were with golden colored eyes and caramel colored skin. “Dakota! Avery!” She said in surprise before ushering them in, Hazel appearing from somewhere else in the house followed by a taller male with cinnamon colored hair, dark brown hair, and mocha colored skin.
“Cousins!” He exclaimed in surprise.
“And Victoria.” Dakota added, gesturing to the legacy of Hephaestus.
“Valdez. Victoria Valdez. You can call me Vivi, though.” The brunett added nervously.
“You three are a mess.” Hazel said softly as she walked over, gently pulling the three in for a quick hug. “I wasn’t expecting a visit from you all until the end of the summer.”
“Uh...well, dad’s been kidnapped and we’re kinda on a quest to find him.” Avery said quietly.
“Reguardless, lets get you fed and cleaned up and we can talk more when Frank gets home.” Hazel said.
“Come on, Avery. I  got some stuff thatll fit you.” The taller male said.
“Thanks, Michael.” Avery said, following after his cousin as he led the way down the hall towards his room.
“I have stuff that’ll fit you two.” The short haired girl said with a smile as she beckoned Dakota and Victoria to follow her up the stairs towards her room.
“Thanks, Layla.” Dakota said but noticed her cousin flinch slightly.
“I’m...actually Landon now. I’m...trans.”
“Oh. Okay. Thanks, Landon.” Dakota said, smiling a bit at her older cousin, immediately correcting herself and repeating it a few times in her head so she hopefully wouldn’t forget.
“You’re pronouns are he/him,right? Victoria asked, earning a nod and a smile from the male
Landon led the two into his room and immediately begun digging around in some of his clothes. His room was decently big with plenty of space for him. Against one wall was a loft bed with a couch and a TV underneath. Against the opposite wall was a simple desk made with black wood and a rolling desk chair to match.  Being used as the curtains for his windows was the trans flag and the pansexual flag. There were a few different posters and pictures on the walls, including several of the whole Zhang family, a few with the di Angelo-Solace family and a few with both families together. There were also ones from different birthday parties and fun times they’d all had.
“Who’s this?” Dakota asked, looking at a few pictures of Landon standing next to a blue haired person, some selfies, some selfies but with one of them kissing the other cheek.
“Oh. That’s my partner, Jordan. They’re a Norse legacy. Related to...i believe they said Frey, god of peace, fertility, wealth, rain, summer, and sunshine, and Loki, the genderfluid shape shifting god of mischief.” Landon explained with a fond smile.
“Anyone want a skirt? I’m still trying to get rid of everything like that and I found another one.” Landon asked, glancing over his shoulder.
“I’m good.” Dakota said. “I haven’t worn dresses or anything like that since I was younger.”
“I don’t need it. I only wear for formal occasions.” Vivi said.
“I’ll just give it to Jordan the next time they’re here then.” He said with a shrug before turning around with a pair of shorts, joggers, and two t-shirts. He handed the joggers to Vivi along with a shirt efore handing the rest to Dakota.
“The bathrooms right across the hall.” He said with a small smile before heading from the room and back downstairs. Dakota headed into the bathroom to change before heading back downstairs, where everyone was waiting.
“Explain exactly whats going on.” Hazel said once she had come back from putting their clothes in the wash, sitting down on the couch next to her husband, who had been home all of five minutes.
“We got to camp, it was a good time. Dad left because he still had to work. Next day, papa wakes up to the voicemail he was left the previous night after falling asleep.” Avery started.
“I’m the first one to hear the voicemail after papa and the voicemail says that dad got home safe but that he already misses us and doesn’t want to wait until the end of summer to see us again.” Dakota continued. “Thats what I tell papa, but he just gets all defensive and “everyone leaves eventually.” so I walk out of the cabin.’
“So, he was hearing something different than what you were hearing?” Frank confirms, earning a nod from the di Angelo-Solace twins.
“Yeah....that night at the camp fire, Rachel gave us a prophecy and we left about a two weeks ago from camp...” Avery finished their recap by repeating the prophecy.
“That explains why he’s not answering my calls. He must’ve turned his phone off.” Hazel said.
“As the place where the child of the dead was slain-” Frank started.
“We checked Alaska already.” Victoria said. “All we found was six monster attacks in three days.”
“Then I'm not sure...” Hazel said, thinking for a few seconds. “He did mention he had an older sister, Bianca.”
“That’d be Arizona then.” Dakota exclaimed. “I forgot about that! Percy and Annabeth mentioned she died in the junkyard of the gods.”

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