Chapter 8

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As they trekked across the junk yard, Avery walked ahead of the two girls, still not interested in talking to either of them.

“Can I tell you something?” Vivi asked Dakota as they walked, occasionally tripping or stumbling over the piles of junk.
“Anything.” Dakota said, glancing over before looking forward again  to make sure Avery hadn’t left them behind.
“Um… so… remember when… saved you… yesterday?”
“It was yesterday. If course I remember.” Dakota said, shooting the other a smile.
“Yeah… I was scared you were going to die. And I realized something.” She said nervously.
“Well, spit it out.”
“I didn’t want anything to happen to you without telling you that I like you.”
“I like you too. We are friends, right?” Dakota asked, confused.
“Yeah… but I… I meant… well, in a gay way.” Victoria said quickly, which caused Dakota to pause, face growing red.
“Oh.” She squeaked softly.
“I.. I just needed to tell you that. I don’t exp-“ Vivi started, trying to back peddle but before she could finish, Dakotas lips were on her own before she quickly pulled back, blushing as well.
“I didn’t know if you were gay or not, so I didn’t say anything.” Dakota said softly,
“We better catch up to Avery. I don’t want to get left behind.” Vivi said softly but smiled happily as she grabbed Dakotas hand and pulled her along.

What felt like hours later, the group made it out of the junkyard and into California but there was one problem. They had no idea what to do next.
“We...have a few bucks left...lets actually grab a meal.” Victoria suggested, giving a nervous smile. “It looks like there's a McDonalds a bit away.” She pointed up the street where a McDonalds sign stood about three blocks away.
“Not a bad idea.” Avery agreed after a moment. “It gives us time to discuss our options.” After walking into the restaurant, the girls got a 20-piece nugget and some fries to share while Avery got a 2 cheese burger and fry combo for himself. They ended up sitting in a booth in the back where no one would bother them.
“We don’t even have a plan of action. We received a prophecy that was probably the most vague in existence on where we need to go.” Dakota said with a sigh.
“The prophecy of the Seven literally had no instructions on where to go other than “Foes bear arms to the doors of death.” Avery said, shaking his head.  “About as vague as ours with “To the place where the child of the dead was slain.” None of us knew where that was exactly. We only figured that out with past help.”
“Hold on.” Vivi said quietly. “There’s a guy across the restaurant that’s been staring at us since we got here. He’s clearly grown up but scrawny, pale and he hasn’t taken his eyes off of us.”
“I going to go refill my cup so I can catch an unsuspicious glance. "Avery said quietly, grabbing his cup and heading to the soda machine before coming and sitting back down.
“He looks like dad but paler, uglier, and less like Apollo.” Avery said as soon as he sat back down. “He has an SPQR tattoo with a lyre. Probably a legacy like us, since the romans are known for having lots of legacies.”
“I’d say we go talk to him, but he’s been staring so long that I don’t think he’s a friend.” Dakota said, popping another nugget in her mouth as she avoided staring back at the other male. “He...he’s leaving.” She watched as the other male stood and walked out the door but not without pausing at the door and staring at them for another moment before leaving.
“I say we follow him.” Vivi said after a moment. “Who knows where he might lead us.”
“Lets do it.” Avery agreed, finishing off the last of his fries before they tossed their trash and followed in the direction, they had seen the other male leave. They quickly found him but kept their distance so as to not get caught. After a long while of walking as it started to near night time and the streets started to clear, the male they had been following looked around, causing the group to duck behind a corner just in time to avoid being seen before watching him disappear into an abandoned building. They all shared a look before following after him inside, being very quiet.

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