Paint Fumes and Passions

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Theft, vandalism, battery, assault. All crimes that have been committed by you. That being said you didn't ever plan on stopping. You and your group of friends are known as the Spades. A group that vandalizes important buildings, creates chaos in the underground societies, and somehow has never been caught.
There aren't many of you, but it's enough to get your projects done. Masterpieces, spray painted over egotistical businesses, banks, and anywhere that people would see in everyday passing.
It had started out as just stupid teenagers antics but had quickly developed into a thrilling game of hide and seek and tag. All played with the local law enforcement. It was honestly amusing that they tried so hard.
You had been 14 when you had started. Just you and your two friends Joy and Yugyeom. You had been angry and your parents were fighting again so you just left. You had run to Joy's house and had climbed to her window. It was nearly midnight which had made her pretty pissed, but you couldn't care less.
You were restless and couldn't calm down so you had grabbed her hand and forced her to walk with you to a park. There you both met Yugyeom for the first time. He was spray painting the side of the play structure as you guys sat on the swings.

You were fascinated and had walked over to him as he finished up. One thing led to another and you had the spray can in your hand doing your own piece, as Joy watched nervously.
When you had finished Joy had finally decide to start her own. So there you were, all three of you. Inseparable from that night on. As you guys did it more and more often, moving from the park, to the train yard, to back alleyways and finally to the front of a big business.
It had been a dare from Joy, for you and Yugyeom to spray paint the front doors. You were young and stupid, so being the little shits you were, you happily accepted. Together you and Yugyeom had worked for 3 hours creating a chaotic master piece.

An explosion of color that had splattered over the doors and artistically dropped onto the sides of the building. By the time you had finished it was almost morning. Leaving your groups signature spade with a crown over it, you ran off laughing, pumped with adrenaline.
Later that week you had walked passed the building and had been thrilled to see that they had tried to wash it off, to no avail. Smiling widely, you discreetly took a photo and sent it to Joy and Yugyeom.
As time went on more people joined your group. It changed rapidly but it was clear that you three were the leaders. A group of three had turned into a group of over twenty too quick to fully process it.

By the time you were all 16 you had started using stick n pokes of your mark to show who was a member, which your group happily agreed to for the most part. You often joked together that you were a gang, which in a way you were.
With some incidents leading to brawls in alleys or just in the middle of the streets and running from the police. Other times walking into a store and swiping some extra spray paint, or anything else needed for that nights adventures.

You all laughed after every time. It was a way for you to deal with your stress and relax without really hurting anybody. And tonight was going to be another night for fun.
Now at age 17, with your own car, you could easily leave when ever and pick up your friends. Tonight your target was the big bank that was known for scamming the poorer people in the city. It was 12 am when you left to go pick up Yugyeom, Rosè, and Jackson.

Joy was grounded and held under lock and key by her parents after they caught her sneaking back in three days ago. So instead of having the Ace(you), King(Yugyeom), and Queen(Joy)of Spades, you went without her.

Yugyeom had explained the idea of the piece we would be doing together on the way to the bank. An image; a bird of chaos and color bursting free of its cage of normalcy and order. Simple but complex. Weaving the ideas together was always easier said out loud than done, but every time it had come out perfect.
You parked you car in a public parking lot about 2 blocks away. Together your small group ran to the site, carrying backpacks of spray paint in a huge variety of colors. Face masks, gloves, and chalk. Together you and Yugyeom began outlining the piece with the chalk.

Having Jackson and Rosè follow over with black spray paint. It took barely an hour, which was pretty good considering that it covered the front doors and many windows. You all stepped back after finishing the outline and together you split into two groups.

You and Rosè worked on the bird, making it burst with chaos, adding whisps of color flow around it. Yugyeom and Jackson painted the cage, applying the bland colors to the idea of structure, order and the feeling of constant ness, molding them together so they look like one. Slowly but surely the piece came together.

As Rosè and Jackson finished, allowing the two parts of the piece to meet and blend with each other, you and Yugyeom created a large replica of your mark in the corner. Stepping back you smiled as you admired your work. Taking out your phone you took a photo to show Joy in a few hours at school.

You see Yugyeom glance at his watch before cursing, "It's almost 5 o'clock." Meaning that people were going to start waking up and getting ready for work. Which also meant that police would show up soon.
Quickly you packed up and ran to your car. You drop off Rosè, Jackson and Yugyeom before reaching your house.   
You crawled into your room through your window and flopped onto your bed. Falling asleep immediately only to be woken 2 hours later by your alarm. Hating your self ever time you did this, you got up and went to shower. Throwing on your school uniform and doing your hair and makeup in an attempt to conceal the dark circles that were apparent on your face.

Picking up your backpack, you went downstairs to the kitchen and grabbed an apple. Giving your parents a small goodbye and reciving barely a nod of acknowledgement you get in your car and pull out of your drive way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2020 ⏰

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