"No problem! Thanks!" said May.

"Thanks Delia!" said Dawn.

"Thanks Delia!" said Serena.

Serena opens the box and sees a pink ribbon with a crystal.

"Wow! So beautiful!" said Serena.

"I know that you love that blue ribbon you've got, so I decided to get a pink one for you!" said Delia while smiling.

"Thanks!" said Serena.

"That crystal is a replica of a Fairium Z... A crystal popular in Alola because it allows the user to use the Fairy type Z move which is called Twinkle Tackle! At least that's what Professor Kukui told me!" said Delia.

"Professor Kukui?" asked May.

"He is a professor in the Alola region!" said Delia.

"That's amazing and beautiful, Delia... Thanks!" said Serena.

"What about yours, May and Dawn?" asked Delia.

Dawn and May open their souvenir.

"Such beautiful rocks!" said May.

"Thanks Delia! What are they?" asked Dawn.

"They are Alolan rocks from diferent islands on the Alola region!" said Delia.

"The ones I gave to May are said to bring love and happiness... The ones I gave to Dawn are said to bring success and good luck!" said Delia.

May blushes and says: "Thanks! But I'm not in a rush to find love!" 

"You aren't in a rush!? You sure?" asked Dawn, puzzled.

"Dawn!" shouted May, blushing.

Serena, Delia and Dawn laugh. 

May gets red in embarassment.

"So you're already her favourite!" said Dawn to Serena.

"Can't you give us a break, Dawn!?" shouted Serena while getting red.

Delia and Dawn laugh.

"Are you girls hungry? I made dinner not long ago..." asked Delia.

"No, we're fine! We just need a little bit of rest I think..." said Serena.

"She's right" said Dawn.

"Where is May?" asked Serena.

"Delia! What's this?" asked May from the kitchen.

"I guess she rests while eating..." said Serena while nervously laughing.

Delia and Dawn laugh.

"I'm coming! Give me just a second!" said Delia.

"Okay!" said May.

"I need a shower!" said Dawn.

"I'll show you the way..." said Delia while smiling.

Dawn follows Delia.

"I guess I'm going to see the nightsky..." thought Serena.

Serena leaves the house.

Serena lays on the grass and starts to think again about what Liza said to her.

"The moon is beautiful, as always..." said Serena.

"Find my Moon... Find my Sun.... Find my Moon... Find my Sun...." whispered Serena.

"What does that mean?" asked Serena.

Suddenly... A person lay on the floor next to her.

"The moon is always shining bright, even with darkness all around it... Isn't that beautiful?" asked Delia.

"Yes..." said Serena.

"Your Moon is something like that in your life... The thing that is always shining in your life, doesn't matter the situation..." said Delia.

"You were listening to me!?" asked Serena, surprised.

"Yes... Sorry..." said Delia.

"I just wanted to help..." said Delia.

"No problem... I just..." Serena was saying.

"You just...?" asked Delia.

"I just... don't know what that is in my life..." said Serena.

"I didn't even know what I wanted to be before meeting him..." said Serena.

"You're talking about Ash, aren't you?" asked Delia.

"Yes..." said Delia.

"You've met Misty, you've met May, you've met Dawn... All of them went on journeys with him... Some of them to multiple regions with him... He once was just as doubtful about his life as you are right now..." said Delia.

"He was?" asked Serena.

"Yes! He found his love in pokémon, that's what he loves the most... That's the reason why he's always on journeys throughout the world..." said Delia.

"Out of all his companions throughout all his journeys, you're the one that changed him the most... You want to know why?" asked Delia.

"Why?" asked Serena.

"Because you changed with him... You two were improving yourselves together... Misty, May and Dawn improved with Ash too... but they took turns improving each other, once them, once Ash... but you... you improved him everyday, just like he improved you everyday..." said Delia.

"But you weren't there... How could you even know?" asked Serena.

"That's simple... Everytime he and I talked, I saw some improvement on him, even if it was small, it was an improvement... When he was with the other girls... Sometimes he would be the same as he was the last time..." said Delia.

"He cares for you, don't forget this... Alright?" asked Delia.

"Alright..." said Serena.

"So, don't hesitate to use him as your Moon... he would always be that shining light in the middle of your darkness..." said Delia.

"How do you know that?" asked Delia.

"Because I was in love once... And I'm his mom too!" said Delia with a smile.

"You're right... Thanks Delia..." said Serena.

"Come on in, It's getting late... Go to sleep, his bedroom is waiting for you..." said Delia.

"Thanks... I'm coming in a bit..." said Serena.

Delia enters the house.

"Ah, Ash... I hope you're doing great in Alola..." thought Serena.

Serena enters the house.

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