Episode 1 - First Contact

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The Cosmic Cavalry begin dancing and drinking to "The Boys Are Back In Town" by Thin Lizzy in the living quarters of their ship, The Cruiser.

Ben & Luna begin dancing together, as Falicia & Johnny sit on the couch talking, laughing and drinking.

Mas begins talking over the speakers of the ship.

Mas: Mr. Watts, we have a distress signal coming in.

Ben pauses the music.

Ben: From where?

Mas: It appears to be coming from Dilo sir.

Johnny: Dilo?

Luna: What's Dilo?

Falicia: That's impossible..

Luna: Hello?! What's Dilo?

Ben: A planet in Solar 3.

Luna: Solar 3? That Solar System is forbidden!

Ben: They shouldn't even be able to send a distress signal. We need to go and check it out.

Falicia: What if we get caught? We could be sent to Yasamer for life!

Johnny: Come on, it'll be fun. I thought you wanted to explore all regions of the galaxy?

Falicia smiles.
The crew sit at their seats in the cockpit and begin to take off towards Solar 3.

Luna: So I'm not exactly an expert on solar law. Why can't we go there?

Ben: Well, our galaxy has 20 solar systems inside it. System 1 is your basic Earth, Mars, Saturn, Jupiter. Solar 2, that's our solar system. Home to The Mainbreaker, Terra II, Phintrophia, excreta.

Luna: Okay.. So where's Dilo again?

Ben: Solar 3.

Luna: And why can't we go to Solar 3?

Johnny: Starlight shut it off. They've kept a forcefield around it for hundreds of years now. It's only got a few planets. Furtha, a planet filled with nothing but lava and rock. It's too dangerous to visit, like a sun it could explode at any moment although it's far enough away from the other planets that they'd be safe.

Luna: And the other planets?

Johnny: Well there's Minglow, a water planet.. No land whatsoever, although the water is toxic, it burns like acid. Then there's Giss, that planets air is basically just gas, It'd kill you within seconds. Then there's Urana.

Luna: What's wrong with Urana?

Falicia: No one knows, nobodies ever been.. Then of course there's Dilo.

Luna: I'm afraid to ask what's wrong with Dilo.

Ben: Nothing, actually. It's a lot like Terra II although they have no idea that aliens, spaceships and things exist. Its like a 2000s Earth.

Luna: Wow. So we'd be first contact?

Ben: Apparently so. We should be there soon.

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