Ch.48| I hate the Authorities

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A/n: "Pic above ^ is how I feel when my teachers tell me to do an essay"

A/n"anything" = Author notes

'I am thinking....Thinking very hard'

"I am Speaking, speaking nonsense"

F/c = Favorite color

N/n = nickname

"Speaking to Y/n telepathically"

"La Tizona speaking with Y/n"

[anything] = gamer notification, using a skill or gamer action



Y/n's POV:

[3/3 High-Tiers 2/6 Elite-Tiers]

I had my broken locket on my hands as I cried. 'I don't think I can smile mom.' I thought gritting my teeth looking at the locket on my hands. The picture had been ripped in pieces and the glass shattered. In other words there was no fixing it. 

"Kid not to interrupt or anything but-" Dracian said as he was interrupted by Ithy. "You forgot to kill him and to kick him on the balls." Ithy continued as I put my arms around my knees and my head between them. I put the locket in my inventory and relived some memories.

"Cmon mom. Wait for me!" I said running towards mom who was walking in-front of me. Mom turned around and smiled as she hugged me and picked me up."Up we go." She said smiling. "One day you'll be strong Y/n. I can feel it." She said looking at me and kissing me on the forehead. 

"Yea!" I said hugging mom's neck. It was weird acting like a three year old when I was internally twenty. "I'll be the strongest!" I said smirking as my mom pouted. "Mou." She said kissing my cheek. "There's no need to be the strongest" She said smiling as we walked. "Just be strong. If you are the strongest power can get to your little head." She said making me nod. 

"But the strong get everything they want!" I said thinking of different manga and our current situation. I was bullied, and insulted everywhere I went because the children thought I was weak and because I was part Quincy. "Yea, but if the strong trully get everything wouldn't life be boring?" Mom asked making me look at her. 

"I mean if you get everything you want then you will never feel accomplished and start feeling like you deserve everything in the world. And that doesn't sound nice now does it?" She asked as she patted my head. "Jeez sometimes I feel like I'm talking to someone much older." Mom said making me sweat-drop 'I'm not that old.' I thought remembering my age.

Someone knocked on the door, I looked it's way and ignored whomever was knocking. 

"Once upon a time there was a god" Mom said making me nod. "The god was selfish and powerful" Mom said as I laid in bed with her sitting on the corner of the bed next to me. "The god thought that because he head power he could get everything he wanted. He ignored the demons down bellow and didn't care for the humans who he was supposed to protect" Mom said as I listened.

"The god would steal from the humans below. He would eat their food and use their gold" Mom said making me nod. "One day a man wearing white robes came to the village the god used to steal from. The god went to steal from the robed man. But he noticed that the robed man had nothing to give. He had nothing, no food, no money. All he had were his robes and two special eyes." Mom said making me nod.

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