Chapter 14

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Jimin sighed as he searched for his son once again. It seemed that every time he needed the little omega's help he had disappeared.

"Ji Hoon!" Jimin called one last time before the front door swung open. The smaller male sighed in relief thinking he had finally found his child. Jimin rubbed the small bump beginning to form on his stomach as he saw his mate walk through the door, a frown making its way onto his face.

Yoongi laughed, setting the flowers down on the table, "Well don't look too excited to see me Min." The beta said sarcastically as he filled a small vase with water.

Jimin gave Yoongi a soft smile as he hugged him from behind, "Of course I'm excited to see you, but I can't find Ji Hoon anywhere he keeps disappearing." Yoongi frowned, before both turned their heads to the sound of small footsteps.

Ji Hoon made his way to his parents holding a few flowers in his hand. "I'm going out for a little bit..." the young omega said as he avoided eye contact. Jimin narrowed his eyes and began to shake his head.

"Oh no. I don't think so. You've been gone all day! Where have you been? I could have used your help around here!" Ji Hoon looked at the floor as he tugged on the loose strap of his overalls.

"It's not my job..." Jimin scoffed before starting up again.

"Oh yes it is! I'm your mother Ji Hoon! I brought you into this word and I expect a little help every now and again!"

The little omega had tears well upon his eyes as he listened. Of course his mother would blame him. He was always the second thought. Jimin has to constantly take care of other omega's children, often leaving himself to fend for himself or help his mother babysit.

"Maybe if you weren't so busy looking after everyone else's children you would have noticed where yours was!" Ji Hoon stomped his foot before rushing out of the house.

He was fuming. He made his way to the woods as he clutched the flowers in his hand. He made wide gestures as he mocked his mother "What does he even know. He never pays attention to me anyway!"

With all his carrying on the flowers in Ji Hoon's hand now fell limp and looked sad.

The omega was beyond frustrated as he stomped his foot several times, throwing his head back.

"Great now these are ruined! He'll hate them!" The omega gently set the flowers down, as if that would save them, unaware of the person watching him.

The alpha tried to block out the cute voice coming from the omega as he stopped at his usual spot. The smaller set down the sad looking flower.

The alpha didn't even notice that the omega had been leaving him small gifts until recently. He would always be lured by the intoxicating scent, having him wind at the small clearing between the two packs.

At first it was just every few days the omega would come and sit and watch into his pack. Then it progressed into everyday, and now he was even leaving him small gifts. The alpha was confused at why anyone would leave gifts for a complete stranger.

He waited until the smaller left before making his way to the flower and picking it up. The stem snapped in half and the petals fell to the ground.

Mingyu rolled his eyes as he made his way back to his pack, tossing the flower somewhere along the way. He didn't care much for the flower, just the scent that brought it to him.


Ji Hoon finally decided to head home. He had been trying to avoid his family all day in order to not get yelled at. But he really missed his mother and his father. He wished they would just give him a hug and tell him they loved him.

The little omega dragged his feet up the steps and slowly opened the door. The lights were dimmed, but he noticed the two wolves sitting in the living room.

"Ji Hoon we need to talk." Yoongi stood up, looking at his son who was clearly surprised. "Please Hoonie."

Ji Hoon sighed as he walked over to sit in front of his parents. Jimin looked at his son up and down carefully. It just didn't make sense to him.

Ji Hoon was always the one to listen and follow the rules. He always helped when needed and even without being asked. He was shy and didn't have many friends, Jimin actually couldn't think of any.

Ji Hoon wasn't the one to cause any issues, but lately that hasn't been the case. "Ji Hoon. We want you to know that we love you very much."

Ji Hoon felt the tug on his heart as those words left his father's mouth. He was happy that he actually got to hear it.

"But we need to know what is going on with you." Jimin nodded in agreement, while Ji Hoon shrugged. "Nothing is going on. I just have stuff to do."

Jimin huffed, "I don't believe that Ji Hoon. What do you have to do during the day?"

Ji Hoon shrugged again, keeping his head low. "Stuff.."

Yoongi watched his son and observed him closely. "Ji Hoon, when you are ready to tell us, we will be here to listen okay?"

Ji Hoon nodded as he got up and ran up to his bedroom. Jimin narrowed his eyes at his mate. "Care to explain what just happened Yoongi?"

Yoongi got up pulling Jimin up too, "Well baby, I think we just need to let him tell us when he is ready." Yoongi grabbed Jimin's hand as they walked up to sleep this night over.

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