Chapter 9

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Haechan woke up to the smell of something familiar. Something he hadn't smelled in a long time.

He felt the soft blankets that covered the smaller bed, loving the feeling.

He was in his old bedroom he grew up in. The omega sat up, taking his time to look around the room. Everything was basically the same except for the clothes and personal items.

Haechan walked over to the drawing that caught his eye, hanging on the wall by the door.

The drawing had a boat and his family in blue, all but Jungkook who had been added later. Haechan smiled at the memory of him being mad at his father. He got through that tough time.

Suddenly a knock sounded at his bedroom door, the smell of home and comfort making him almost yelp with excitement.

"Channie baby, are you up?" Taehyung cracked the door open, knowing that Haechan wouldn't be able to really answer him.

"Yes momma, I'm up now."

Taehyung opened the door, walking in with a huge smile on his face. "I really miss asking that question. Sometimes I wish you never moved out. It gets lonely with just your father, but trust me he acts like a child." Haechan giggled at the thought of his father acting like a baby.

"Daddy is just like a child. I don't know how you do it!" Taehyung laughed, "Takes a lot of patience."

Taehyun walked up to his smaller son, wrapping his arms around him. "Do you remember how you got here Haechan? I know things can be hard to remember."

Haechan sighed, "Yes, I sadly do. I'm really sorry Momma. I didn't mean to act the way I did. I just...I just don't know.."

Taehyung squeezed Haechan harder, "You don't have to know Channie why this happened and why exactly it happened to us. Trust me, I asked myself the same thing everyday for months. But all I know is, it does get better. You may not think it will. I never thought I would ever get better, but without the support from your father or my family, I would have let it destroy me."

Haechan watched his mother closely, taking in everything he said.

"I'm sorry Haechan. I'm sorry I wasn't there for you when you needed me the most. I was going to every chance I got, but for some reason I felt it wasn't the best idea. Your father also didn't want me to. I tried."

Haechan grabbed Taehyung's hand, giving it a squeeze. "It was okay Momma. I had Lulu. I didn't want to be a burden on everyone."

Taehyung pushed the small curls out of Haechan's eyes, "You are never a burden baby. I love you more than anything in the whole world. But us omegas are strong. We can do it and I know you will be a mother someday."

Taehyung kissed Haechan's forehead, "Now, I think someone needs a bath and some snacks?"

Haechan smiled at his mother, "Okay...can there be bubbles?"

"Of course Channie. Always bubbles!"


Jaehyun ran ahead of the group, anxious to see his mate. Throughout the entire raid he had felt that something was off. The alpha searched through the forming crowd, occasionally shoving people out of his way until he finally saw a familiar face.

"Jimin!" The omega turned slightly in his direction. He looked exhausted as he held a pup in his arm, and the other held his free hand. Jimin gave Jaehyun a small smile as the alpha approached.

"Have you seen Taeyong?" Jimin's expression changed drastically as he let out a small gasp. He quickly handed over the sleeping pup in his arms to his mate, who seemed very happy to be home.

"Oh my god, come with me!" Jimin began dragging Jaehyun toward the nursery. Once the two had arrived, Jimin stopped and ushered the alpha forward.

Jaehyun quietly opened and was comforted by the smell of his mate. As he made his way down the hall he could smell a new scent. Jaehyun knew that scent belonged to his pup, he had smelt it faintly before he had left for the raids.

The alpha opened the door to Taeyong rocking the sleeping pup in his arms. The omega sat in a bed happily smiling down at his baby. He lifted his head in Jaehyun's direction when he heard the door open.

" that you?" Jaehyun didn't say anything as he made his way across the room, slowly sitting down next to his mate.

"Yeah baby I'm here." Taeyong leaned into his side as silent tears fell down his face. The omega sighed in relief as he tried to control his sobs, the pup in his arms squirming from all the shaking.

Jaehyun wrapped his arm around the smaller as he kissed his head, "Hey...why are we crying baby?" Taeyong shook his head, scared that if he spoke he would break down completely.

"Can I hold him?" Jaehyun asked softly. Taeyong nodded and handed the pup to his mate.

Jaehyun was amazed at how something so little could be so perfect. "He's perfect Yongie..." Jaehyun brought the pup closer to him to scent him before his mate's cries brought him back.

Jaehyun carefully set the pup down in the bedside crib before bringing Taeyong into his arms. "I'm so sorry I wasn't here baby...I'm so sorry.." Taeyong shook his head, gasping for air.

"He...He hates!" Jaehyun furrowed his eyebrows. "Who could ever hate you Yongie?" Taeyong took a second to calm himself down before he spoke again.
"I check on him. And...and then the baby." Taeyong swallowed the lump in his throat. "He didn't want me in his home. I ruined everything Jae... They hate me." Jaehyun frowned as he pulled his mate closer.

"Who is 'they' angel." Taeyong whined at the pet name. "Channie and your mother. No one came to see our pup Jae..." Jaehyun's wolf whimpered hearing his mate in distress.

He couldn't imagine Taeyong having to sit alone with their pup, while everyone acted like nothing happened. He was sad and angry, and hurt that it seemed like no one was happy for his family. His overprotectiveness flared at the thought of anyone hurting his mate's feelings.

"I'm here Yongie. I won't let anyone hurt you or our pup." Jaehyun looked at the sleeping pup. He looked just like his omega, but had the scent of an alpha. He couldn't be more proud.

"I'm so proud of you baby, you gave me a first born alpha." Taeyong whined at the praise, holding his arms out for his pup.

Jaehyun smiled as he placed the pup in his arms. " does that sound?" Taeyong smiled and nodded.

Jaehyun sighed as his little family was finally complete. His heart was heavy at the fact that no one had come to see their pup. If they wanted to act like nothing happened, then he would too.

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