Chapter 2

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Jaehyun stood in front of the bathroom mirror, running a comb through his wet hair. He took a deep breath, trying to calm his nerves. Which were sky high.

To be honest, he was scared. The excitement was there but also the reactions of his family were weighing down his mind. Suddenly a small pair of hands found their way around his waist.

"You know I may be blind, but I can still feel and smell you." Taeyong giggled, laying his head on his mate's back. "What are you thinking about Jae?"

"The real question is what I'm not thinking about Yongie. What if my family isn't happy about it? What if this whole night goes to shit, just when things are getting back to somewhat normal."

Taeyong moved to stand in front of Jaehyun. "See Jaehyun I had the same thoughts about it. But I know your brother and your parents. They are some of the best people in our lives. They will be happy. I hope."

Taeyong kisses Jaehyun's cheek, "But if for some reason they aren't, then at least we have each other."

Taeyong felt this way back towards the exit, "And don't forget to blow dry your hair. You will get a cold!"

Jaehyun smiled, "I hope you are right."

The two wolves had readied their home for the family, making sure everything was in place. Mostly it was Taeyong telling Jaehyun what needed to be done and where things needed to be placed.

"Well, I think everything should be good for-"The doorbell sounded as the alpha finally got to sit down. "Don't worry Jae, I will get the door!"

Taeyong walked towards the door, remembering the layout perfectly.

The younger omega was pulled into a tight hug, basically squeezing the life out of him. He grabbed Taeyong's hand starting to write in it. "Yongie, I missed you so much!!"

Haechan giggled, causing Jaehyun to crack a smile. To say he missed that giggle was an understatement. "Not gonna give your brother a hug Channie? That's pretty low."

Haechan pouted as he ran into the arms of his older brother, "You know I missed you too."

Lucas followed in behind his mate, carrying a pot filled with some type of food. "Sorry, we would have been here sooner, but we had a few issues getting here."

"You act like we live in a different town over Lucas. And you have been here before."

Lucas gave Jaehyun a stern look as the two omegas walked into the kitchen. "That's not what I was talking about Jaehyun. It's harder for Channie to stand for too long, especially walking."

Jaehyun's eyes widened, he rubbed his neck. "Yeah, sorry Lucas. That slipped my mind. I'm sorry."

Lucas waved it off, "It's okay man, we are just here to have a good time right? No need to bring any of that up."

The door bell rang again, but this time it flew open. "Don't worry we are here!" Taehyung walked in carrying two plastic containers, filled with different desert items. Jungkook followed behind him, also carrying containers. "Yeah, we are here."

Taehyung walked up to Jaehyun kissing his cheek and also Lucas's. "I need to get these in the fridge." Jungkook glared at his son, "Your mother is in a good mood today Jae. Just telling you."

A cold shiver went down the spine of the young true alpha, his mind filling with thoughts again.

"Well, it's time to eat!"


The table was filled with dishes of all kinds. Different types of meat and side dishes scattered the large dining room table, the alphas looking at it with hungry eyes.

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