Chapter 3

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Taehyung flinched as the door was slammed behind him. Jungkook huffed out a breath before heading to the bedroom, mumbling softly. Taehyung was sitting on the couch clutching a soft pillow to his chest. He felt almost guilty for being happy at the news of the new addition to the family.

"Kook.." The alpha turned his head toward his mate waiting for him to continue. "Do you think Channie will ever be happy again?" Taehyung played with a loose thread on the pillow not looking up at him.

Jungkook furrowed his eyebrows and silently made his way to the couch, and gently pulled the pillow away from the omega before talking.

"I think... that eventually he will accept it better. I think Jaehyun and Taeyong could have waited a bit longer before their announcement." Jungkook's tone had turned bitter and his jaw was clenched. Taehyung pulled away from the alpha with a surprised look.

"I know you're worried about Haechan, but that doesn't mean we cant be happy for Jaehyunie." Jungkook shook his head and laughed bitterly.

"You don't get it Taehyung, if anyone should know how Haechan feels it should be you." The omega glared at his mate before standing up.

"Don't you think I know that Alpha," Taehyung emphasized. He started for the bedroom before turning around abruptly.

"I love Haechan more than anything. And yes I know the pain he feels, and will always feel. I don't need you to remind me of my failures, and he doesn't either. I will not let Jaehyun think he and his mate and their child are unwelcome, I love him just as much and Channie. I think you need to reevaluate the situation Jungkook." Taehyung turned his back to his mate before he heard a low growl.

"Don't tell me what to do Taehyung." The omega rolled his eyes as he entered their shared bedroom, leaving the Alpha to think on what he had said.


Lucas walked in the front door of the small home. His body was aching from the training he had to lead. Sweat drenched his body from head to toe. A shower sounded amazing and that was what he intended to do.

Ever since the dinner a few nights ago, Jungkook was pushing Lucas harder than ever before. And just when he thought the two of them were on good terms.

Lucas understood why Jungkook and Jaehyun were mad, but this was getting ridiculous. He was standing up for his mate. They would have done the same thing if they were in his shoes.

The alpha walked his way towards the bedroom, starting to smell the sweet scent of his world. This made him instantly calm down. This was comfort and home to him.

"Channie, baby are you in here?" Lucas walked into the room, eyeing the lump that was lying on the mattress.

All that was heard was a small whine from under the thousand blankets on the bed. "I missed you. And I missed what you looked like."

Lucas sat down beside Haechan, who had clearly not moved since Lucas left this morning. "Can you untuck yourself so I can see my baby boy?"

Haechan didn't move, which caused Lucas to pull the covers away from him, ignoring the small fight his omega put up.

"See I missed seeing that you actually had limbs." Haechan rolled his eyes playfully, "Sorry, Alpha."

Lucas's eyes widened at the use of his title name. Ever since they met, Haechan always said either Lucas or Lulu. Almost never did he say Alpha.

"Is someone mad at me?" Haechan shook his head quickly, " Lulu."

Lucas pulled Haechan close to him, "I think we need to talk Channie. I think it's time to discuss what happened a few nights ago."

Haechan lowered his head, "I know..."

Lucas lifted his mate's chin up, forcing him to look at him. "I love you Channie, no matter what happens. I'll always be by your side." Lucas sighed before continuing, "I probably over reacted the other night, but I just couldn't stand seeing you so upset." Heachan cut him off.

"I'm happy for Taeyongie. He deserves it. I just wish I could have given you a pup Alpha." A few tears fell from the omega's eyes as he turned away again.

"I don't need a pup to be happy Tulip, I have you and that is more than enough for me." Lucas cupped the smaller boy's face wiping the tears away. Haechan leaned into the touch for a moment before jerking away.

"I'll be better, Alpha. I promise." Lucas frowned as he turned away from him and laid in the bed unmoving, just like he usually did.

Haechan bit his finger to hold back his sobs as Lucas made his way to the bathroom. The younger's thoughts only fueled the tears.

'Why can't I be as good as Yongie. He's a perfect omega. Lulu will want a better mate. Someone who isn't so broken.'

Lucas let the hot water rush over his body as he let his tears mix with the water, only wishing he could be a better alpha.

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