Chapter 26- Ambush of a Demon

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Day 6,

Today we were ambushed by demons, I thought the trip was going well, but it didn't. I didn't use my foresight this time for personal reasons, but my decision ended up with Andre being wounded.

But in the end, no one died, so we settled for a camp hidden in the trees, far from where we were ambushed but on the right path.

Andre, despite being wounded, tried to snatch my journal and read it. I was lucky that he gave up in the end. Because, Andre's curiosity always kills the cat, he loves doing experiments back at The Scout's HQ. And my journal caught his interest.

I just told him that this journal  was only filled with our daily lives in the shelter. It wasn't the full truth but because it isn't, it's also not a full lie.

So he bought it. Well, at least I think he does.

Now, for the future.

Be ready for an ambush.

A demon will be aiming at the two kids during that ambush. 

Kill it before it gets up.

Aim for it's eyes.


Don't trust that you're completely safe just because you killed one demon.


3rd person pov


The two males near her called out to her.

Eren tried to push Emma out of the way but Ray beat him to it.

The Jaws of the demon snapped shut as the duo of children hit a tree, Ray absorbing most of the damage.

"RAY!!!" Yelled the ginger head.

She instantly remembered that there was a demon in the area.

'If you're seen, you're dead.'

'Kill the hell out of them before they can call for more.'

Emma grabbed the gun on the ground and pointed at the demon to shoot....


She wasn't able to pull the trigger at the right time.

However, to her luck,

The demon was on the ground.

The man shot the demon more, which moved only by a flinch.

It was laying by it's back. Mikasa on top of it's stomach, her sword from the odm gear was stabbed near where she assumed was the neck.

Eren had his gun out, still aiming at the demon for any subtle movement, look closely and you can see his trembling.

Levi's two swords were dug inside the demons head, both on one of the eyes.

But not the one that'll actually end its life.

Ray got up and went over to Emma, who was kneeling down on the ground.

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