quidditch practice

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hey moony!" i shout to the stands of the quidditch pitch with only two people watching. i say watching. peter is keeping an eye on me and james' practicing with intense enthusiasm, however remus has his nose in a book, completely oblivious to the world.
"moony!" i call again.




"REMUS JOHN LUPIN!" i practically howl, making him jump out of his skin, throwing his book up in the air in fright.
"what?" he calls as he scrambles to find his book that's fell a few rows forward.
"you've made me lose my book" he scowls
"let me" i race over on my broomstick. determined to prove myself, i quickly grab his book and hand it over to him.
"there you go my fine sir" i bow, still hovering on my broom.
"thank you idiot" he smiles, wrapping his crimson scarf tighter around his neck "now what was it you wanted?"
"if i score three goals past james, you have to let me take you on a date"
"w-what?" i watch as his face goes as red as his scarf.
"yes, you heard me. a date"
for a moment we just stare at eachother. locked in a sort of gaze war. both of us waiting for the other to say something. i can see the cogs whirring when he finally speaks
"four goals and it's a deal" he smirks
"you're on"


i watch as sirius flies back on to the pitch, loop the looping at my answer. surely he's joking about the date. surely. but i can't help feel butterflies grow excitedly in my stomach.
"for you mr lupin" he grins, blowing a kiss dramatically before picking up the quaffle.

his scarlet robes billow in the breeze as his hair flies wildly around his head making him purse his lips in annoyance.
"i can't see!" he cries, flailing his free arm like a zombie as his raven black hair covers his eyes. he balances the ball under his arm whilst he ties his hair in a bun with his wand. i try not to gawp but it's practically impossible when he winks at me from across the pitch.

"ready potter?" he taunts at james
"born ready black"

without warning sirius pelts the quaffle at james with such force, the poor boy doesn't stand a chance of catching it.
"WOOOO!" sirius punches the air, beaming from ear to ear, shooting a quick glance at me. i can't help but crack a smile of my own. three more to go my inner voice chimes. i don't even have the chance to say well done before he's scored again. and again.

one more.

he bats it with the end of his broomstick, and it soars past at immense speed.
"that's just showing off!" james bursts into laughter. giving sirius the chance to get the quaffle one last time and shoot it through the hoops-
"sirius we get it you've won!" james exclaims
"WOOOOO FIVE GOALSSSS!! i'm wasted as a beater james"
"completely wasted. and this-" he gestures to the goalposts "-is why i'm a seeker"

sirius zooms over excitedly, dropping off his broomstick alarmingly at my feet.
"i did it" he smirks nervously, looking to the floor, running his boot along the wood as he scratches the back of his head.
"you did do it. 4 goals and i go on a date with you" i smile back
"can you not count?" he laughs "five goals."
"correct you are mr black"
"which means..."
"which means..." i echo
"you owe me a kiss. i'd say that is equivalent to a goal"
"oh do you now?" i raise an eyebrow, taking a step forwards, our faces millimetres apart. due to him being slightly shorter than me, he has to look up.
"did i ever tell you how beautiful you are?" he whispers, making my heart beat frantically inside my rib cage. i'm scared it'll burst out at any second.
"once or twice" i answer, before i gently press my lips up against his. instantly he responds by moving his lips delicately yet demandingly. it's like nothing i've ever experienced before.
"so you'll let me take you on a date?" he breaks away
"i am already looking forward to it" i grin

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