moony's birthday 2/2

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my hands are suddenly slick with sweat as a huge lump of anxiety fills my throat. i'm so fucking stupid. how could i tell sirius i loved him?! even if i was drunk?!  he's going to hate me. he's never going to talk to me again. i feel tears begin to sting at my ducts.
"pads i- i'm sorry. i know you probably hate me and i'm sorry. i- i just love you so much- i'm so sorry-"
he places a finger on my lips, stopping any words coming out. i watch as his bewitchingly captivating grey eyes study my face.
"you love me?" he asks, barely audible. i nod and look to the ground in embarrassment.
"you're in love with me?" he says a little louder, placing a hand on my thigh. i nod again, the tears are ready to fall down my face at any second.
"too bad i'm in love with you aswell" he sighs, making me look up,
"y-you love me?" i whisper, my lip trembling,
"of course i do idiot"

without warning him i launch into his arms, i can no longer hold back the tears, but now they are of pure happiness. i sob into his shoulder as he rubs my back. i pull away and without thinking, press my lips against his, digging my hand into his head of freshly washed, thick black hair as he wraps his arms around my waist pulling me closer. the chapped roughness of his lips contrasts beautifully with the softness of mine as he intwines his tongue around my own. he tastes like salted caramel, a taste i could find myself getting used to. my whole body feels like stardust, just knowing sirius feels the same way, no feeling compares to it. he bites my lip gently before breaking apart.
"you're a very good kisser moony" he blushes, making me go crimson.
"not too bad yourself padfoot" i laugh, so full of happiness i think i may burst.

it's at that moment i hear a squeal of delight, we both turn around and stood at the portrait hole is lily evans with a small suitcase and a present labelled 'dear moony'. she'd been at home for easter, for her dad's birthday so we hadn't seen her in 4 days.
"i'm sorry to interrupt" she smiles "i have got you a present moony, but i see you have an even better one. we all must catch up" she walks to the staircase to the dorms
"i'm so happy for you both"
and with that lily and her red hair have left the common room, leaving me and sirius alone once more.

i nestle myself into sirius' chest and i listen to his rhythmic heart beat. we watch as the sun rises and the common room slowly begins to fill up with hungover gryffindors.
"i love you moony" he whispers to me, kissing the top of my head.

they say nobody is perfect until you fall in love with them. complete nonsense in my opinion. i believe that love is not no longer seeing their flaws, but that love is two imperfect people refusing to give up on eachother.

and who's less perfect than a werewolf and a family outcast.

and i'll never give up on sirius


and i'll never give up on remus.

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