12 ⦻ Meet The Slender Clan

Start from the beginning

I stood with my hand on my knees, trying to catch my breath, then I notice the shorter slender, Surrender Man coming up to me shyly. "H-Hi....my names Surrender. What's yours?"

"My names' (Y/N). I'm Slender's proxy or Walker or whatever. Nice to meet you," I respond, looking up to him and smiling a bit. Somehow, Surrender seemed to look a little less nervous after I greeted him. "It's nice to meet you too, (Y/N)."

"(Y/N)! What a wonderful name indeed!" Splendor said, smiling down at me, "it's an absolute joy to have you here at my brother's mansion!"

"Thanks!" I say with a grin, "and it's nice to meet you guys. Kind of amazing that there's a whole SlenderClan here. Now I have to come up with names for all you guys."

"No you don't..." Slender sighed.

"General Spaghetti is Slender, Surrender you be Shorty and Splendor can be Smiley," I exclaim. I then glance back at Surrender and add "Not to offend you or anything..."

"None taken..." Surrender replied, "but actually my names Steven so...."

"Ok fine, Steven."

I hear Slender facepalm beside me and then cross his arms. "Please call us by the name we introduced ourselves to you as. We already all have enough nicknames circulating around in the mansion...."

"I can't wait to find out what they are," I snicker. Just then, I heard someone else walk into the office and the brothers quickly turn to see who had come in. It was another tall slender being, but he had a face, and he wore a black and golden suit with a golden tie and wore a golden top hat with a silver band. He held a black cane like Splendor and also had black tendrils coming from his back.

"Uhhhhhhhhh......whose that?" I mutter, staring at yet another slender that was in my presence. "Excuse you," The slender scoffed, "I should be the one asking who you are, as I've never seen you here before. Don't tell me Slender's allowed another rugrat to live here!"

"This is my new proxy, (Cp/N). (Cp/N) this is my cousin, Spender Man."

"Spender Man..." I utter, staring at the being. "Don't you think we have enough of those living here, Slender?" Spender exclaimed, "That's more money we're wasting on getting supplies to take care of it, bedding, food and whatever else it may need!"

"Firstly," Slender Man scowled, "my proxy is not an IT. Second of all, you need to calm down, I have everything taken care of for this one."

"You'd better. I'm not dropping another dime for one of your simpleton followers," Spender scoffed, crossing his arms while glaring at me. "Ah Spencer! There's no need to be rude to our lovely newcomer!" Splendor said, wrapping an arm around Spender, "they mean no harm to your savings whatsoever!"

Seeing all these slender beings was beginning to make me feel weird; it was funny when I saw just Slender and Tender, but now there's literally five of them. Why are they all living in the same place anyways?

"Can I go now?" I ask, looking to Slender with a bored expression. "No wait!" Splendor intervened before Slender could respond, "have you met my other two brothers, Trender and Offender yet??"

"Other brothers???? Let me get this straight; there are SEVEN of you Slender lookalikes?!" I exclaim imagine disbelief.

"I look nothing like that faceless clown, at least I have a face!" Spender sneered. "That's not n-nice Spender, you know I don't have a face either!" Surrender cried at his brother. "Awww Steven don't fret, you look beautiful without a face!" Splendor beamed, petting his shorter brother's head. "What the hell is this place," I mumble, getting dizzy by all the tallness surrounding me.

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