the files

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Bryce's pov

After Mia was done exploring the whole house and when I mean whole  house. I mean whole house, like every cabinet and draws and rooms. And she had to touch everything. The boys and I followed behind her, making sure she did not hurt herself. The hole time we could not keep our eyes off her. she was so cute with her tongue sticking out when she was trying to get something or how she would twirl her hair as she would think of what room to go to next. And we would all take every little detail about her.

When she was done she ended back in her bedroom. Jumping on to her bed.

M, when did you guys get here.

Bl, like the whole time

She grabbed her blanky and bobo

M, I pway

J, baby you don't need to ask us. But are U sure yr not tired from running around the house and being Dora the explorer.

M, yes sir

But we could all tell she was lying as you could see that her eyes were starting to get heavy. I smiled we need to get her to nap so we can read her file. We all looked at each other and new what we had to do.

Br, how about a nap

She shook her

J, please baby

M, I no tired

She said as she crossed her arms

N, how about this Mia. You try to take a nap. And we will check up on U in 10 and if yr still awake you don't have to take a nap.

Eb, sounds good to me.

N, then it settled

M, why not me say.

N, fine Mia what do U have to say

M, can I pwease icecream if me take nap.

Br, only after dinner U can.

M, dweal.

N, what why not we take a say in this.

Br, tables turn

J, guys let's let princess, sleep

Q, agree

Br, she ain't even asleep yet

Bl, omg just look

I lookover to see mia fast asleep.
Cuddling her blanky and bobo

M, I no tired but if I do go sleep

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M, I no tired but if I do go sleep. Then night night

She is so determined, to not be asleep and hates to admit that she is tired.

Eb, night baby sweet dreams.

We all quickly kiss her on on the forehead. And one by one headed down to the lounge room. Where I put down the file. We all sat down and I grabbed the file out.

Quintons pov

I am really nerves. We all decided to read it together. When she had her nap. Omg I love her to death even though I have only known her for a few hours. But God  she is cute. It is so funny how she hated to admire that she is tired.

Br, ready boys

Eb, ready

Bryce opened it up

File 10567

First Name Mia

Last name mcrone

New  first name Mia

New last name Gray-hall


Lillian mcrone,

deseased, died in car crash.

Grayson mcrone,

deseased, died in a car crash

Relatives= none

Allergy=  none

Things she likes

Pink,soccer,movies, drawing

Things she hates

Bath, loud noises, her mum and dad

Abuse= dad would hurt her in her sleep, physically. Mum was part of the act

Important info about Mia

She has bad nightmares once a week and when she has them she pees her self. She hates baths as her dad would hurt her when she is in.

When was she put in the orppanage

Age 2 and a half.

We all finished around the same time. We all looked and we were allcrying.

Bl, what should we do about the nappys and bath situation.

N, I say ask her about the nappys. And when it is time for her bath tonight we prepare for the worst.

Eb, agrrreeee

My heart sunk my poor baby.

B, why hurt such a precious soul.

J, bad things happen to amazing people.

Q, we should let her know that we would never hurt her. And to tell her that we love her. So she feels safe with us.

B, true but first bro hug

We all lean in for a hug. We all split up to either the kitchen or lounge room.


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