Part K♠️: Last Outstanding Debt

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His peaceful sleep was disturbed by the feeling of full lips nuzzling against the edge of his soft, rounded jaw, leaving a trail of sultry wet kisses that moved slowly down his throat, the feeling of that thick warm tongue pressing firmly into a sensitive spot there made Angel Dust give a soft moan. He then felt the long white claw-like fingers of the arm resting an elbow on his hip slip under his white shirt and deep pink bralet to grope his fluffy bust, burying those talons in a fist-full of pale pink fuzz. The lithe spider didn't open his eyes right away but he did turn a little since they were still in the spooning position they had fallen asleep in. Immediately his lips were met with a passionate kiss to which he responded eagerly. It was incredibly rare for Husk to initiate any kind of intimacy without at least being prompted into it first and because of this Angel would never refuse any affection when it was offered to him. Those long clawed fingers gripping the fluff of his bust slackened, slipping out once more, raking through his fur then gripping his side and turning the lithe spider demon around and held him close. The kiss getting more aggressive and intense until the two lovers were forced to part for air with a little spittle of saliva breaking.

For a moment they gazed at each other in silence then one of Husk's long clawed hands cupped his boyfriend's face, the ball of his thumb stroking his soft fuzzy cheek.

"It's nice to have you back babydoll.." He murmured softly, his eyes narrowing tenderly as he watched his slim pink furred effeminate boyfriend nuzzle his hand and grip it in one of his much daintier ones.

"Aw, I missed ya too.." Angel cooed back in a warm soft voice, a set of his small pale pink hands running through that white chest fluff as the top set of arms clung to his older boyfriend's tieless neck. "Bed's fuckin' cold as shit without ya in it."

"Heh, well it's been fucking weird trying to sleep here alone, I'll admit that much.." The demon cat responded and this made his slimmer more effeminate boyfriend flash a giddy grin in response as it meant he had grown accustomed to sharing a bed with him too.

"Then we ain't sleepin' apart again." The spider demon said leaning forward and kissing his boyfriend's lips as he was pushed into his back. Husk responded to it instantly with a small noise which could either have been agreement or simply pleasure as they resumed making out fiercely. His large grey furred paws with long white claw-like fingers were raking up through his thin pale pink furred torso and peeling off the minimal clothing items that the spider demon had slept in. Angel let out a strangled gasp once he was free from the confines of his upper body clothing and felt the full lips of his boyfriend resume their wet sultry trail of kisses down his throat to his collar bone, those clawed fingers combed down through his soft fur to his hips.

The pale pink furred spider demon's dainty tapered fingers ran through Husk's tuft of head fluff as he continued to tease Angel with his rough tongue and claw-like fingers. The spider's moaning increased to a more wanton desperate pitch when the cat demon's white furred face buried deep into the pale pink chest fluff of his bust and the deep purring caused his body to erupted into pleasurable tingles. Angel arched his back when he felt Husk's fingers slip inside the waistband of his deep pink booty shorts and the moment they were off and thrown away the spider pull his boyfriend on top of him wrapping his long legs around those grey furred hips. Their lips met again keenly as the two ground against each other eagerly, the heat between them intensifying arousing them further...


"Hey, ya mind if I ask 'cause I've been kinda curious, is 'Husker' ya real name or is it just some kinda nickname ya picked up while ya were servin' our country?" Angel asked in a soft warm tone as he nuzzled himself into the white fluffy chest of his older boyfriend. He was still nude and partially covered by the red feathers of the one wing resting against him, two of his long skinny two-tone pink arms holding his partner around the middle. The grizzled cat demon was leaned against the headboard with one arm casually draped around the lithe form of the spider demon, taking a swig of his 'irished' coffee to stave off the side-effects to his chronic alcoholism.

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