Part 10♣️: Rescuing Angel

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"So you were both captured at the bar? Then what?" The grey and white demon cat with large red wings folded kinked one long plume brow curiously at Cherri Bomb. She was pacing back and forth in the small office as Husk was casually leaned back against his large desk with his arms folded, still holding his Hellphone in one hand. It was not some old-fashioned phone like Angel had described to her, it was a modern up-to-date touch screen one, the model up from hers with a red cover case on it. The style of his phone's had barely registered with her at the time as he had made two calls on it. Both of them were in two separate languages she didn't understand and he had not shared the contents of those calls. In fact once they had been made he had started interrogating her on their last movements before capture.

"You said we didn't have a lot of time! Why are you wasting it with this horseshit!!" The one-eyed female demon with long strawberry blonde hair cried out in frustration.

"Hey! Take it down a fucking notch. I got eyes and ears all over the city, the moment the suits come outta their web, I'll know.." Husk drawled gesturing Cherri back into her seat. "Now finish giving me the details. I'm guessing you don't know what happened to Angel.."

"No! I don't fucking know where they took him. After they knocked him out they took him away in a separate car. I spent ages in some crappy little room and they took me for a lame-ass drive that landed me in EggLord's turf!" The one-eyed demon accepted the glass of gold coloured booze he offered her and took a large swig, wincing a little as it burned her throat but swallowed regardless. "For whatever reason the slimy bastard actually offered to bring me to you, that's how I got here.."

"He did?" Husk blinked looking momentarily confused by this fact before shaking his head roughly. "Y'know what? Don't need specifics. I know how the Spider Mafia works, they've probably got him holed up in some dingy little interrogation room smacking shit outta him—"

"Then let's go bust him out!" Cherri exploded into a fit of fury getting up and necking the rest of her drink, slamming down the glass. The last thing she wanted was her best friend getting beat up further, she had nursed him through more than his fair share of emotional scars.

"No!! I'm in the middle of a war, that will only make things worse! We need to be smart about this.." His words made the female demon piff with an unimpressed look and this made the demon cat more annoyed as he continued. "You fucking think I like this? You shitting me? Do I look like I want my boyfriend to be treated like some big fucking piñata? Cause I don't!! I didn't fucking ask to clean up your fucking mess but here we fucking are so we're doing this my way!!"

"Ok Boomer.." Cherri exhaled sagging her shoulders looking fed up as she rolled her single bloodshot eye. "Sheesh! Whatever.." Husk had been about to retort when his Hellphone started ringing making him blink in surprise before answering with the thick deep accent he had used in the first call he had made. Cherri watched the demon cat converse with whoever was on the other end of the line, putting one hand on her hip and threw him a curious look.

"Well.." She prompted him when Husk hung up looking thoughtful, pulling off his large black top hat with the red band and putting his phone away.

"The suits are on the move. Let's go.." He added in a grim voice, finally pulling himself upright and moving away from the desk.

"Urh.. Finally!" Cherri exclaimed in some relief pulling open the door..


It was pitch black inside the old-fashioned Lincoln-Continental boot, the car itself was black of course because heaven forbid his father would own anything in another colour, shade, whatever. The boot itself was surprisingly roomy, more-so than any other boot that Angel Dust had had the displeasure of being bound and gagged in. Although, this time he hadn't been kidnapped by some crazed, obsessed lunatic who claimed to be his biggest fan and he sure wasn't hoping Valentino was going to rescue him this time. Fuck that, he would rather be shot by a whole cartridge of holy bullets than accept more "help" from that sleazy, disgusting Pimp Overlord and land himself in even more debt. The asshole would never let him live it down, he would just insist that he owned him, not just his time and money. Dead was better than being "saved" by that prick again, that's for sure.

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