Part 2♥️: Growing Distance..

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"Come along Angel." Alastor's voice sounded making the pale pink furred demon spider sigh heavily, momentarily bending his head in some frustration. The bar was supposed to be shut and as usual Angel Dust was still hanging around even though his last drink was long finished. His odd sclera eyes glanced back to see the Radio Demon beckoning him with one long gloved finger that creepy smile tweaking as those red eyes glowed eerily. The spider's pink iris eyes returned to his grey and white furred boyfriend who caught the look on his partner's face, clearly he was desperate to stay close with him.

"You should go and try get some sleep." Husk said in his low gruff voice but it had undertones of concern, nodding in agreement with Alastor as his more effeminate other half looked exhausted, like he could use a decent nights sleep.

"Only if ya promise me your comin' t'me when ya done.." Angel retorted firmly adding before the demon cat could forestall him with any protest. For the last few nights he had not been coming to their room nor had he been around much during the days of the last week. So when he was around the spider demon was starting to grow clingy, wanting to spend every moment he could with him, including staying beyond last orders much to the Radio Demon's chagrin. "I don't care what time it is when ya finish doin' whatever ya doin', just come t'me. Please.."

"Alright. Fine.. I promise." The tall demon cat uttered sagging his shoulders knowing that his stubborn boyfriend wouldn't take any form of no as an answer.

"Thanks, mi amore.." Angel cooed lightly, pushing himself up and forward across the bar surprising Husk by kissing him sweetly on the lips, making an obvious show of affection before pulling back whispering in a sultry tone, "Try not t'keep me waitin' too long.."

"Angel!!" Alastor's terse voice didn't even make the spider demon flinch, he only smiled keeping himself close to his boyfriend. Husk only blinked stunned at the boldness of the much younger demon and he had twitched a little at the stern voice of his oldest friend who had narrowed his glowing red eyes at his partner for not immediately obeying. The cat demon gave a small jerk of his head, silently asking him to leave before Alastor forced him to against his will.

"Alright, I'm comin' Smiles, keep ya shirt on.." Angel rolled his eyes unbothered by the Radio Demon's annoyance at him and casually hopped down from the bar, walking back away from the long closed bar passed Alastor who was still watching him with a slightly narrowed gaze waiting for him to leave so he could talk privately with Husk. The spider demon paused then blew the cat demon a kiss with a flirty wink making his older boyfriend exhale wearily before continuing to the stairs and disappearing off towards his bedroom suite.

"Hmh. You sure can pick them Husker old boy.." Alastor spoke candidly the moment they were alone, his hands going behind his back as he walked with a slow deliberate prowl closer to the bar.

""Urh.. Don't." Husk drawled after finishing a particularly large gulp of booze out of the large green bottle he had nearby. The demon cat swallowed thickly looking both completely fatigued and wrestling with his own inner turmoil.

"As entertaining as it would be to watch your suffering, would you accept some advice from an old friend?" Alastor spoke softly perched himself at the seat Angel had vacated. The two of them now sitting alone in the misplaced bar.

"Why the fuck would you want to give me advice?" Husk growled sceptically, unsure if he wanted to hear this.

"Believe it or not, I've become rather accustomed to your presence over our many years of partnership and I rather like the man that this relationship of yours has produced. Surprising, considering my initial objections to it.." The Radio Demon spoke with the kind of tone and expression that suggested it was truly rare for him to be this honest with anyone. His red eyes seemed to look surprised and contemplative above the empty smile.

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