The End

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I sobbed violently as I cradled her body in my arms, my heart pounded in my ears as i rocked back and fourth. I didn't want to hold her like this. Not dead in my arms from my violent outburst. I was disturbed from myself. I held her tightly as my crying sounds were slowly calming down. I will never see her beauitful eyes, full of life and happiness ever again. I have officially ruined my chances with the love of my life. Ruined my life. I will suffer alone in this world. But I then remembered. I felt it in my back pocket. The gun I snuck in. The gun I would have used if all went so terribly wrong. I gently laid her down on the ground and looked at her beauitful plump lips. I would have never had this chance when she was alive so I took it now. I kissed her lovingly and caressed her cheek, wiping her tears of terror from her eyes and pulled away. There was nothing I could have done to bring her back. I knew what I needed to do now. I looked around to see a bunch of shelves I could hide behind. I went behind the shelves that hid me well. I noticed a few blankets in bins with our school logo on it. I covered myself in the blanket as my legs visibly show. I looked at y/n's dead body staring right at me with her opened eyes.
"I'm sorry..." i whispered. Pulling the gun out from my back pocket and rested it against my head.
"Goodbye." Then the world went back. All I felt now was peace.

Officer Gavin Sanchez here reporting
the prom night case. Two murders were identified when students heard a gun shot in the storage closet. I looked around the storage closet and spotted the boy who did it. He committed suicide after murdering y/n l/n and austin rey. The boy seemed to have a journal and it speaks of the story. The last entry he ever wrote were the words 'I'm sorry' written before he went to the dance. This case has deeply disturbed me and never in my line of work have seen such a tragedy. It's best to close the case, and leave these poor souls to rest. To let their families mourn the loss of their children. One thing is for sure I'll hug my children close tonight.
Now we let these poor souls lay To rest.

The End

Hello y'all. Hope you enjoyed reading. I loved writing this story and I hope you can read my many other stories. Be sure to follow, comment, vote. Anything helps!
Be sure to look out for my new story thats coming soon which is an assassin x reader story.

And also read my recent published book 'hear me'

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And also read my recent published book 'hear me'

With all that being said I'll see you all next time! Bye bye!

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With all that being said I'll see you all next time! Bye bye!

Prom Night (yandere x reader)✅Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora