Pov 2

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(Will's pov)

My suspension was lifted after a few days of being at home and doing chores and working around the garden with my mom. But It was the weekend and my mom started to lighten up on the punishments.
She also wanted to visit my father. I declined going so she went herself. Thank goodness she didn't force me to go. I decided to take my weekend into my own hands and go out to the town. I was walking on the side walk, going to the plaza of the mall. I wanted to go to my favorite stores like the comic central, game stop, and hot topic. My most favorite stores. I first went to the comic book store and picked out a few books and bought them with my own money. I walked down to game stop and wasn't interested in any games just yet. So then, walking into hot topic, I looked around at the clothes and jewelry. This store is my whole wardrobe, the black upon black upon black was my whole fit with stripes sleeves and chains on my pants. I looked around the store, at the hoodies and such. As I was walking around i suddenly bumped into someone, making them drop boxes. Assuming it was a worker I panicked and helped them pick up the boxes. "Really sorry about that." I apologized to them and they just chuckle. I looked up and saw the familiar face, the girl who gave my journal back to me. "Hey will!" She smiled sweetly at me as she held the boxes and put them to the side. "Oh hey...um.." trying to remember her name it would come back to me. "Y/n." She said simply with a giggle and I just laughed nervously as I scratched the back of my head. "Sorry..." I apologized again and she just shakes her head. "Don't worry about to, you like hot topic?" She asked me curiously tiling her head and smiling at me. "Yeah...basically My whole closet." I joked and she smiled. "Same here, sad I don't have friends that really like this store. They all like forever 21 and Sephora shit." She rolled her eyes and folded her arms. My eyes then landed on a name tag on her shoulder. Hot topic name tag. "You work here?" I asked and she nodded. "Makes easy money. Of course for college, my parents can't really afford it right now so I mine as well work at my favorite store." She giggled cutely. Y/n was the most cutest girl I've ever met. She was my type though, this is me just realized I even had a type. "Seems like a fun store to work at." I smiled softly and she nodded. "If you ever want to, I can get you a job here if your interested." She offered and I grew a little nervous so I shrugged. "Yeah...that would sound nice." She smiled again and picked her boxes up.  "I'll talk to my boss about it. See you at school will." She then walked passed me and I waved bye to her. I ended up walking out of the store with nothing. Just my heart racing and my face was red when I got home I just couldn't stop thinking about her too. When I was in my room I heard the front door open and shut. My mom was home. I walked out of my room to see her carrying grocery bags. She pulled a soda out and handed it to me. "You've been doing good so, I got you a pepsi." She smiled softly and I take it with a nod. "How was dad?" I asked her and she just froze in her spot. "He's doing great." She says with the most fake smile I've ever seen in my life. "No he's not." She sighed and started taking out food and putting it away. "His delusions are getting worse. He almost didn't recognize me." She said sadly which I just stared at her, no surprised by it. Since he would act like an animal everytime I visit him. "Are you shocked?" I asked and she looked at me with furrowed eyebrows. "I shouldn't be. This shouldn't be happening in the first place. He shouldn't be in there at all." She continued to put away the food
I just walked up to my room and shut the door again, laying on my bed and looking to the side to see that stupid journal. I picked it up and flicked through the pages and rolled my eyes at the writing. I set it down and stared at the ceiling. There was going to be the day where I won't be here anymore. But I met this girl, she probably wouldn't care like everyone else won't except my own mother. I looked out the window and saw that the sun was setting.
"This would be the time." I mumbled to myself and I start to walked out of the room. I slowly walked downstairs and saw my mom was asleep on the couch. "I'm sorry..." I then walked out of the house and started to to walk to the nearest bridge I could find. My thoughts were rushing through my head as i was thinking about it, how was going to cause my mom so much pain but to me, it didn't feel like it mattered cause she was going to forget me anyway. My heart was pounding, everything seemed more clear and loud. The adrenaline was pumping through my veins, I was going to die tonight. When that sunk it it hurt me to think of my mom's reaction. But I had to do this. There was no going back now.
Not now.

(Y/n's pov)

I was driving my car home after a long day of work on the weekend. I talked to my boss to get will a job and he will have an interview once he gets the time to do it. When I was driving I came across the bridge I always drive through, but something felt off here. I decided to slow down a bit until my lights flashed on a sillouet. They were standing at the edge of the bridge! I parked the car and get out, running towards them in a panic. This guy was going to die but I won't let it happen. When I get there i called to them. "Hey! Don't do It! It's not worth It! Don't do It!" I say with a trembling voice as I stare at them with horror in my eyes. They slowly turn around and I can recognize that face from anywhere. "Y/n?" It was will! Why? He seemed like such a good kid minus beating up austin. "Will?! What are you doing here?!" He seemed to be distraught I wouldn't imagine him ever being suicidal at all. "Here come down." I start to walk towards him but he took a step back, shaking his head. "Will this isn't worth it and you knowing, think about who you will be hurting if you killed yourself. Will theres so much to life you will never experience if you do this, missing opportunities and missing out on the good this world has to offer." I tell him passionately and he looked deeply into my eyes and slowly started to come down from the bridge. He sat down on the ground and held his head, I sat beside him and rested my head on his shoulder. "I'll be here for you if you need it." I tell him with a soft smile on my face and he looked at me and hugged me tightly. "Thank you..." He whispered and I nodded, hugging him tightly as well before pulling away and looking at him. "I'll take you home."
"That sounds great."

Prom Night (yandere x reader)✅Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ