Pov 5

438 11 3

(Will's pov)

Me and y/n were at work and she wouldn't stop talking about how much she liked austin or how hot he was. I was becoming more and more shattered, why can't she talk about me that way. With her friends and family.
"Oh my got I saw his bicep the other day and oh lord! I melted!"
I chuckled nervously, feeling more and more broken as she just continued to talk about him. It hurt me too much. "So, have you found anyone for you yet? Got a crush?~" She asked teasingly, making me laugh a bit as I'm folding clothes. "Yeah I do." She screamed aloud, making everyone in the store look her way as she covered her mouth with her hands in shock. "Who is She?!" She whispered to me and I shake my head. "Can't tell you yet. But she's very pretty and has the most beautiful personality." I say with a small smile on my face as I looked her way. "Oh my I hope to meet her one day, what's she Like?" She asked me and I take a moment to think about it.
"Well she's very nice and sweet. She will immediately put a smile on your face when she walks through the door. Every little thing about her is unique and sweet. She helped me through tough times. She's...She's an angel."
"AWWWWWWW!" She squealed with excitement as she stared at me with those beautiful orbs of hers. "I hope I get to meet her one day!" She says happily and a customer comes up and she helped them out. "Yeah..." I chuckled nervously and sighed sadly as I continue to fold the clothes and put them away in their designated spots.
Soon the end of our shift came and she had to walk home again and so did I.
"I'll see you tomarrow Will!" She says with a wave and I wave back at her with a nod and a smile. I put my hoodie over my head and followed her home. Don't think I won't ever stop following her. She's got to get home safely and I can't afford to have her getting hurt at all.
Too bad she doesn't know the one I was talking so fondly of was her. I guess she didn't hear the part where i talked about how she helped me through tough times. But oh well.
I'm hoping to ask her to prom this year. I think prom is in may this year or maybe in June, I'm not sure. Hopefully in june to make it more special.
As I was stuck in my thoughts I heard her footsteps getting faster. I started to speed up and catch up to her soni don't lose her. She started to jog, maybe she's trying to get a few steps in so I sped up. But then she booked it down the street.
She saw me. Fuck!
Well at least she's home because we weren't too far. I turned and started Walking to my own house.
I blew my cover because I was stuck in my fucking thoughts. Oh well.
The next day we went to school and i sat at my table just going through my phone until y/n came up and sat down with a sigh. "What's wrong?" I asked her and she rests her head in her palm. "Someone was following me last night after our shift." I gasped with fake shock on my face. "Did you see who they were?" I asked her but she shook her head. "Can't go anywhere without being followed. Also I always feel watched when I get home. I'm getting creeped out." She tell me. Good thing was she never saw my face so that was good. "Well I can walk you home?" I offered once again but she just shrugged. "I don't know, I'm going to be hanging out with austin after school so he'll be the one to walk me home." I clenched my fists under the table in annoyance. That dickhead was going to be the one to walk her home?! "Oh...have fun." I say with a lace of annoyance in my tone but she didn't seem to catch on. "We will, thanks will." With that the bell rang and we went to our respected classes until the end of the day where she met up with austin. I was by the gate watching them talk until they walked out and started to hang out together. But I followed them just to make sure they won't be doing any funny buisness but i made sure to keep my distance so they don't start getting suspicious. They went to dinner at a cafe and I went inside, sitting behind them and heard what they were talking about.
"Still hanging out with that twerp?" I hear Austin ask she and she just chuckled nervously. "Well he doesn't have much friends so I try my best to hang out with him as much as I can." She tells him which made him scoff. "You should just let him be alone. He literally beat me up for no reason." Y/n just laughed when he said this. "Well he did kick your ass. I won't be leaving him alone anytime soon. He's such a sweetheart. He's like my best friend." I smirked softly at the first part but my smirk was slowly starting to leave my face when she called me her "best friend." I was really friendzoned just now. Glad I decided to follow them to hear all this.
"You should stop giving him a hard time." Y/n suggests to him, austin hums when she says this. "Why?"
I hear her whispering a few things to him and I hear a small gasp come from him. That was that. They stopped talking about me and I'm not sure why he gasped.
Soon they left the cafe and I started to follow them on out. The sun was slowly setting as they slowly walked in the direction of her house. She was giggling softly. I found it cute but I should be the only one making her giggle. I could be the one hanging out with her. We were meant to be together can't she see that?! I'm crushed I'm hurt. She likes him instead of me. I can't accept this!
I resisted the urge to...to!-
"Alright your home!" Austin says and looked at her, taking her hands gently as he stared passionately at her.
"Goodnight beauitful." He softly to her, I watched from a distance behind  a bush. He then kissed her cheek, I could feel my heart physically shatter. Pain in my chest erupted as I held my chest with a grunt. Y/n went into her house and Austin walked the rest of the way home. I feel myself physically falling apart. Y/n should be Mine! Me and her were meant to be together!
I'll make sure to be the first to ask her to prom. I'll make sure of it.

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