Entry 5

792 27 0

I wish this bus crashes, it would be easier for me to go out that way. Other then my mom finding my hanging body in my room. I'm sure my therapist is going to be looking through this but who gives a fuck anymore. I don't. My therapist is just doing what she's made to do. Straighten people out into being normal. Maybe a few nips of the bottle will help me. But she tells me that it's not healthy. This body isn't even mine. Why should i care what i do with it?
She won't tell me what to do, but of course my mother wouldn't like that either. But I'm already a fuck up so why would it ever matter? Cause it doesn't.

December 26 2017

Prom Night (yandere x reader)✅Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat