Pov 1

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(Will's pov)

I walked down the hall as I put my dumb journal in my backpack but as I'm walking, I was shoved to the ground as per usual by the jocks but it didn't faze me much. They laughed at me like the assholes they were and picked up the journal that fell from my bag. "Oh! The little pussy as a diary!" The leader laughed loudly as for his friends snickering like idiots. He opened it but I stood up quickly and tried to snatch it from him hands but he pushed me back down full force but I wasn't backing down. I stood up straight and punched his lights out. He fell to the ground, stunned by the sudden blow, I got on the ground and repeatedly started to punch him over and over again until suddenly i was pulled off of him by security and teachers. They dragged me away and put me in the office. Did i regret doing what I did? Not at all. That's one thing off my bucket list.

(Y/n's pov)

I was talking with my friends at our hang out spot, talking about the cutest guys we know and that we have crushes on. You know, the usual girly stuff. "Sooo, y/n! Who do YOU have a crush on?" One of the girls asked and i tucked some hair from behind my ear. "Well...austin is kind of looking cute right now." I giggled and they squealed loudly. "You should totes ask him to prooom!" One of them suggests and I just laugh, shrugging my shoulder slightly until suddenly we heard screaming and saw people running over somewhere. Me and the girls followed them and saw two kids fighting but one was on top of the other...winning! "No way...is that will dameron? Beating AUSTIN?!" I hear some girl say and I take a closer look and see that she was right! Austin was getting beaten up by a kid with black hair and pull black clothing! Staff then pull him off and drag him all the way to the office. I see the kids backpack on the ground, staff picking them up and stuffing papers back inside instead of a brown leather book. I looked around and bend down, picking up to book in my hand. It had an imprint. 'Journal' on it. I quickly stuffed it in my bag and go over to Austin who's being helped up by some friends of his.
"Are you okay?!" I asked and he wiped blood from his nose and laughed. "Kid got what he deserved." The group laughed and Austin looked at me and chuckled. "I'm just fine baby, how you doin?" He asked with a smirk on his face as he leaned against the wall, looking down at me. I giggled slightly and looked at my feet. "I was just checking in...what happened?" I asked curiously and he just scoffed and shook his head. "Jackass just suddenly attacked me when I took his stupid journal..." he paused for a moment and looked around on the ground. "Speaking of...where's his stupid little book?" My eyes widened a bit and I looked at the ground. 'That was his journal...what do I Do?!' I stuttered and bit but tried keeping my cool.
"I...I'm not sure, maybe the staff stuffed it back in his backpack." He groaned and flung his head back with an annoyed grunt. "Man! I wanted to see what he was really talking about in that book! Maybe we find out if he's gay of not." He laughs and then looked back down at me. "Hey y/n, wanna hang out afterschool? I can take you in my jeep. We'll go cruising." I smiled softly and looked at him softly. "I wouldn't mind." He winked at me and waved, walking off with his friends down the hall. I sighed in relief but suddenly my friends came up and we started freaking out about how I actually talked to him. But I wondered where the kid went so I can give his journal back. I'm curious as to what he might be writing in his journal but that's an invasion of privacy so I shouldn't.
The highschool day goes on and I haven't seen where the kid was. Maybe he hiding somewhere of maybe he's still in the office. I break away from my friend group to go look for him, i looked around back of the school and see no one was there. So then i went to the office to look.

(Will's pov)

I'm sitting in the office, waiting for my mom to come pick me up. Since she's at work it's going to take a little bit for her to get here. I looked in my backpack and assumed they liked everything up from the ground but I notice that my journal isn't in here.
I looked at the secretary and stand up, she snapped her eyes at me and I freeze. "I...need to go look for something..." She just snapped her fingers and pointed down. I sighed and sat back down, folding my arms and rolled my eyes. I guess I'll be ruined forever because I can't find my journal. Austin might have grabbed it and snuck it away. He's probably already telling the whole school about my problems. Suddenly the office door opens and i see a girl walk in. She had H/L H/C hair, she wasn't too short, she had a good taste in fashion and she had E/C eyes. I couldn't believe what I was looking at. She was so...pretty. gorgeous even. She looked around for a moment until her eyes landed on me. "Oh, Hello!" She greeted kindly and took something out of her backpack. It was my journal. "I believe this is yours." I gently take it from her hands and look at it and nodded. "Thanks..." I whispered quietly and put it in my backpack. "I'm y/n." She introduced and held out a hand for a handshake. I gently took her hand and shook it with mine. "Will..." I mumbled under my breath and she just smiled sweetly towards me. Her smile was...cute.
"Nice to meet you will. I hope you have a good rest of your day today." I nodded and she walked towards the door. "You too..." She turned and smiled at me before leaving and I looked at the clock. My mom should be here any moment. The door opens and I see her walk in and go to the papers. "Will, get in the car." I did what I was told and walked towards the door and left to the car. Getting in the front seat.
The drivers side door opened and my mom got in. She shut the door and started the car. "I don't know what you were doing or why you did it but your grounded." Understandable. Not like i care anymore. I didn't respond to her, just looked out the window and watched everything go by so fast. It reminds me of how fast life goes by. How fast it could be taken from you.
Weird how it just goes on.
Then ends abruptly when you want it to.

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