34-Eddie Protec

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Eddie and Richie were shopping at the mall on a sunny Sunday afternoon. Eddie needed some new clothes since he felt like he had grown out of his old ones.

"Hey Rich, do you like this?" Eddie asked holding up a dark red polo shirt in front of him.

"Babe, you have like a million of those." Richie laughed.

"I like them asshole." Eddie sighed and put the shirt back on the rack.

"How about this one?" Eddie grabbed another shirt of the same style but this one was yellow.

Richie snorted. "That's the same thing." Richie smiled.

Eddie rolled his eyes. "Whatever you're no help. And don't call me that." Eddie said.

"Not happening, but I like this one." Richie pointed at a bright green sweater.

Eddie reached out and grabbed it. "This is fucking huge." Eddie said.

"You look cute in big clothes." Richie smiled.

"Whatever." Eddie said and put it back.

"How bout this one?" Eddie asked holding up a light blue t-shirt with the word 'sky' written on the front.

"It's nice." Richie said plainly.

"Come in Rich! I need a little help here." Eddie said.

"Stop trying to get clothes that your mom made you wear." Richie said. "Create your own style, love."

Eddie smiled. "Sure, I like the flannels." Eddie pointed to the flannel section.

"That's Bill's thing." Richie laughed.

Eddie rolled his eyes. "How about this?" Eddie held up a black shirt with a skull on it.

"Rebellious." Richie commented.

Eddie rolled his eyes again. "Let's go look at the shorts if you're gonna be like this."

"Okay if you say so." Richie said.

Eddie rolled his eyes, again, and they walked over to the shirt section.

"These are nice." Eddie grabbed some blue short shorts with yellow stripes.

"Sure I like em." Richie said.

"Do you actually like them or are you just saying that?" Eddie asked.

"Eddie I've told you a thousand times, I don't give 2 fucks what you wear you're still gonna look good." Richie said.

Eddie threw the shorts over his front arm and looked at the others.

"I'll go try these on, be right back." Eddie said.

"Can I come?" Richie smirked.

"Ew! No!" Eddie said grossed out by Richies comment.

Richie chuckled. "At least give me a kiss then." Richie said.

Eddie rolled his eyes, quickly pecked Richies cheek and walked off.

Richie smiled and leaned up against the wall of the store picking at his nails as he waited for his boyfriend.

It has been around two minutes since Eddie left when he heard a group of girls quietly whispering and laughing out in front of him and it caught his attention.

Soon, one of the girls started walking towards him.

"Hey..." The girl said. She had blond hair and blue eyes. She was pretty but not Richies type of course.

"Hi?" Richie replied.

"I'm Alexa, what's your name?" The girl asked.

"Richie." Richie said.

"I love that name, it suits you." Alexa flirtatiously ran her pointer finger down Richies chest. The 2 others girls were squealing and laughing just a couple meters away.

"Do you have a girlfriend?" Alexa asked smacking the gum in he mouths obnoxiously.

"Well no but-"

"Awesome!" Alexa interrupted. "Here's my number." Alexa said handing a piece of paper to Richie.

"You're super cute by the way." Alexa whispered.

"I'm not-"

"So how about Monday? 11:00 am meet here." Alexa asked then put her hand down on Richies waist rubbing his hipbone.

"Please stop touching me." Richie said and ripped Alexas hand off his waist.

"You said you don't have a girlfriend so what's the issue?" Alexa said running he hand up Richies chest.

Richie looked up and saw Eddie walking towards him with a questioning look on his face.

Richie gave his boyfriend the same look of confusion and Eddie smirked.

Eddie tapped Alexas shoulder making the girl turn around.

"Uh who the hell are you?" Alexa asked.

"Eddie, nice to meet you." Eddie put out his hand.

The girl raised her eyebrow and shook Eddie's hand hesitantly.

Eddie then walked over to Richie and put his arm around Richies waist and one hand on his chest

"What are you doing? I already asked him out, he's mine." Alexa said to Eddie.

Richie snorted.

"What's so funny?" Alexa asked.

Eddie laughed and stood on his tippy toes. He turned Richie's chin with his finger and placed a soft kiss to his boyfriend lips.

Eddie turned back to the girl. "He's mine actually." Eddie said.

"You're gay?!" Alexa asked in horror.

"Yeah and take a look at my boyfriend." Richie smirked.

"You didn't tell me you were gay." Alexa said.

"You didn't give me the chance." Richie said.

"Whatever asshole." Alexa rolled her eyes and walked away.

Eddie snatched Alexas number out of Richies hand and ripped it up sprinkling the pieces on the ground.

"Thanks for saving me Prince Charming." Richie smirked.

"Nobody takes things that are mine, especially you." Eddie said.

Richie smiled and brought Eddie into a tight hug. "I love you." Richie said. "I promise nobody is taking me away from you."

"I love you too." Eddie said. "And I know."

This is short I'm sorry 💀

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