20┃tangled souls

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end of part/book one


KAI THOUGHT, GOING INTO THIS, he wouldn't have any doubts. He thought that when he agreed to this, he would still be certain he was doing the smart thing. But now, with Elena Gilbert's coffin at his feet, Kai felt he might be making a mistake.

"Having regrets now, are we? After all's practically said and done?" Cade pondered after sensing all Kai was feeling. Kai had always been good at putting up a front, keeping things buried, but there wasn't much you could keep secret from the devil himself.

"No. Nope. Everything's fine. I'm dandy. I have what you want. Now give me what I want." Kai denied, lips tucked in a thin line while he shaked his head enthusiastically.

"Malachai Parker, the notorious liar. Even lying to himself."

"Cade, I think you know by now I'm not a big fan of your riddles and mind games. So, can we just get this over with?"

"Ah, but is this what you really want?" Cade tilted his head, eyes glinting with mischief. He knew Kai wasn't going to change his mind and he didn't want him to, but for old times sake, Cade was going to torture him one last time before setting him free.

"Like... always, I don't know what you're talking about. For a psychic, you're off a lot. Maybe you should get that checked out." Kai recommended like one would refer their friend to a doctor, kicking at the dirt beneath his feet.

"I am psychic, which is why I know that you're afraid. You're afraid of losing the one person you're trying to save."

Kai swallowed hard, freezing at the words. The next time Kai looked at the ancient being who ruled over all of hell, it was with displeasure. He didn't like being so vulnerable, especially with someone he didn't like. Cade saw through him, knew every hidden secret and every corner of his mind, and it made him tap into his brewing anger to glare harshly at him. Behind his back, Kai's hands flexed, repressing the urge to do something violent.

"It makes you angry that I know that. But you shouldn't be surprised." Cade continued, taking a few steps so he was right next to the coffin, the very thing that would get Damon Salvatore to crumble and finally submit to him. "I know all about you and Mila Ramone. How much you want to change for her, but you just can't, can you? You'll always be a monster like the rest of us."

Kai remembers a conversation he had with Damon earlier. Damon was so intent on pushing the idea of redemption onto him, and for an instant, for a fraction of a second, he wanted to believe him. Because being this way was getting him nowhere. It was making him unhappy. But then he reminded himself that not everyone is capable of redemption. Some people are too far gone — he was too far gone. Even if he tried, really tried, he was bound to screw up anyway. He didn't know how to be different.

"Redemption is out of the question for me." He agreed hollowly, like he was repeating himself, repeating others, and he was. If there was one thing Cade focused on in Hell, it was drilling that into him.

"Indeed." Cade said, growing bored and snapping his fingers. "Our deal is done. You're alive again. Mila's life is safe. And as always, it's been a pleasure, Malachai."

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