49┃once upon a time

454 20 28



"YOU'VE GOT TO BE KIDDING me. Is that a-" Mila cuts herself off, astounded by what the ominous shape in the distance turned out to be.

"A dragon? Yup."

Even with Josie's high octave confirmation, it was still incomprehensible to Mila, who stood frozen in place between the twins, unable to tear her eyes away from the creature swooping down from the sky. Its skin was dark, blending in with the night; if it wasn't for the shine of reflective moonlight and the trail of flames it heaved out, she wouldn't have been aware of its presence. The dragon's forbidding silhouette itself was enough to evoke panic, towering over the treelike like a skyscraper and landing with the same force of a crashed airplane. Trees snapped in half and the earth fractured from its arrival.

Leave it to the Necromancer to be a nuisance even after his entrapment and departure from this realm. They closed the portal in time to vanquish him but not in time to send this thing back to where it came from. They had one more unleashed monster on their hands, and, by all means, this thing was definitely a monster.

"Looks like winter is coming. On my summer vacation, no less." Lizzie's voice held faux cheerfulness, her genuine excitement from their successful mission long gone.

"Well, you've got any ideas on how to handle this, Daenerys?" Mila retorted.

"You're the adult here. Aren't you the one who's supposed to be coming up with the bright ideas?"

"Mythical creatures from medieval times are a bit out of my area of expertise."

"We can cast a perimeter spell so it doesn't go into town and stays in the area," Josie suggested, swallowing her own anxiety.

"This is a literal dragon. It's a gigantic, fire-breathing beast flying around in the sky. That alone would draw attention from the whole population. It's about five seconds away from starting a forest fire and last time I checked there's no Angelina Jolie here to save us," Lizzie chastised, her head turned towards the people beside her.

A sharp breath was inhaled and exhaled through Mila's nose. She understood just how problematic the circumstances had gotten right when they all believed everything had been solved. But this surprise, this unexpected detour on their way to a peaceful and warm celebration with the people they loved, didn't push her into a dark headspace.

Because this wasn't a consequence of happiness. This wasn't what happened when something good was finally in your grasp. This was just life. There's missteps and downfalls and pain but there's also what you become after you've overcome all of the hardships. Someone more wise, appreciative, stronger... someone who understood what's important and what you shouldn't give up on. And this town, these two girls next to her, and her future with Kai would always be things worth fighting for.

Both of her hands rise up to grab the sleeves of Lizzie and Josie's coats. Her head was the only one staring forward and out the doorway of the crypt. "A forest fire is the least of our concerns."


"Because it's coming right towards us. Run!" Mila rushed out, tugging them both forward.

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