24┃to be human

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IT WAS THE KIND OF MORNING that entailed the pinch of high heels, a burnt mouth from uncooled coffee, and the itch of a sewed tag scratching the nape of her neck. But, Mila moved through the streets of New York City ignoring all of those things. With pinned-up hair, a pencil skirt that cost too much, and impressive reflexes that helped her dodge other pedestrians, she was determined to make it on time.

Traffic was always attached to the hectic mornings of the city, but today it was more backed up than usual, which is why Mila declined the opportunity to take a cab. Instead, after a late wake up, she rode the subway, tapping her foot nearly the whole ride as the temptation to just use vampirism speed to get to work invaded her thoughts. She would have done so, but with her goal of maintaining a human appearance and the risk of witnesses, she let the idea fuse out. After all, she hadn't relented and used compulsion for the promotion that was now on table, something she was proud of herself for — especially considering her boss could be a pain.

Now, she was right down the street from the law firm she had been at for a couple of years. All of her time at college, law school, and as an associate had led up to this. If she nailed this case, the one she had been prepping for for weeks, then Junior Partner would be hers. Of course, that meant getting to the meeting on time, something that the universe apparently wanted to sabotage.

This assumption was proven true when her body rammed against another. Her paper cup tumbled to the ground and she almost went with it, losing her balance easily with the high arch of her shoes. The hand that reached for her arm steadied her, and Mila looked up from the pool of spilt coffee to find a set of light blue eyes.

"I'm so sorry. Are you alright?" The stranger questioned. Concern was weaved into his voice.

"I'm perfectly fine," Mila assured.

"Your drink isn't," he pointed out after he allowed Mila to stand on her own. She once again glanced down at the puddle of coffee.

"It's no big deal. I drink it more out of habit than for an energy boost."

"Let me buy you a new one."

"I have to get to work. Really, it's okay."

Mila tries to move past him, trying not to dwell on how handsome and good-hearted the man was, but he grabs ahold of her arm. She shifts her gaze from where his hand wrapped around her sleeve to his enigmatic face. He stared at her like she was a comet passing by, and if he didn't catch her, if he didn't seize the moment, then she'd never grace the night sky again.

"Wait. What about after you're done with work?" He asked with a smile threatening to form.

"Like a date?"Mila muses. She has said no dates for she doesn't know how long, but there was something about him that made her want to say yes.

"If we're going on a date, we're going out to dinner. Not just for coffee," he says as if it was the most obvious thing. "I don't half-ass my dates."

She nods her head with her lips pulled inward, and a hand reaches inside her purse to pull out a business card with her information. "Okay, so dinner, then."

lifeline ⇾ kai parkerWhere stories live. Discover now