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KAI STOOD OVER THE STOVE with waffle batter and bacon grease splattering his apron. He had the freshly made breakfast placed delicately on a plate; the main course is accompanied by a glass of orange juice and a small vase containing a rose he plucked from the neighbor's garden. He was quite content with the arrangement. The only thing he was unsure of was where to place the engagement ring he took out of its plush box.

He had been fumbling around with different ideas on how to propose. Before Mila, he had absolutely no interest in marriage. It was an absurd, pointless concept to him. And when he figured out that this is something he wanted to devote himself to, that he wanted to devote himself to her in every way, that's when his mind started spinning. Everything from grand gestures to just blurting out "marry me" rung around his head like a hula hoop.

It had been merely an hour ago that he had gotten some clarity. Kai had woken up before Mila, which had been happening more frequently because of her returning to a human state and needing more sleep. It was one of those mornings that Kai was just too energetic and hyper to go back to sleep so he restlessly turned his body to face Mila. She had switched from having her arms tucked around him to her pillow sometime throughout the night, and she was holding it to her chest like a child would with their teddy bear. Her hair was disheveled, her cheeks were flushed a slight red from having too many covers draped over her, and she was drooling but it was a picture that made it all seem so simple.

It didn't matter how he proposed. He didn't have to wait for a perfect moment. With the two of them, it would be special all on its own.

Natalie was attending her weekly book club meeting and Evan had made himself scarce after Kai mentioned what was going on. They had the house to themselves, and more importantly Kai had the kitchen to himself. He could hear Mila shuffling around upstairs, and it would only be a matter of time before she came down and saw the table arrangement.

A clever idea for the ring placement strikes him by the time Mila's feet are padding down the staircase. However, when she rounds the corner, it isn't exactly what Kai expected to see. Instead of rubbing the sleep from her eyes and being draped in a baggy t-shirt and pajama shorts, she is dressed and wide awake.

"I smelt the food from the moment I woke up. Actually, I think it's what woke me up. I'm hungry, like, all the time now. Is this what it's like to be you?"

Mila doesn't hesitate to pick up a piece of bacon. Her hip is pressed up against the table as she leans on it. It's only when she reaches for the orange juice that she fully notices the thoughtful display. She grins crookedly.

"Throw in some homical urges, then yeah. I think that's about right." Kai shrugs before leaning over to give her a quick kiss on the forehead. He can smell her shampoo and the fresh spritz of perfume she put on this morning — he frowned at that. "Are you going somewhere?"

She takes a quick drink before setting the glass back down. "Yeah, sorry to cut this short. Alex wants to meet to talk about some things, and before I meet him I promised Elena I would stop by before she went in for her shift. She's been wondering why I keep postponing dinner with her and Damon. They have no idea about what's going on at the school and we all want to keep it that way."

"You're leaving to go out with your ex-boyfriend?" Kai scoffs. His fist encloses around the ring.

"It's not like that. He called and said he wanted to catch up. And Ric is obviously too busy to answer my calls so I'm thinking maybe Alex will give me an update on the whole Josie situation. Trust me, it's nothing to get jealous over," she explains, reaching for his clentched hand and covering it with her own.

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